Save Your Heart ~K

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"You pathetic piece of shit."

My head snapped sideways as Alex's hand connected with my cheek, hard enough to leave a bruise. The sting brought tears to my eyes, his laugh breaking my heart piece by piece.

I didn't understand. I love Alex. I've only given him love day after day, but he still hurts me. Why can't I be better?

"All you do is cry. Stop being such a fucking coward, Michael." He spat. His hands curled into my red hair and yanked me up, a scream escaping my throat.

Alex dragged me down the hallway, shoving me into my room. I stumbled onto my knees. Everything was hurting yet I was so numb. I just wanted him to love me like he used to back in high school. Why did it all change? What was I doing wrong?

"Get dressed and cover your face. We have to go to that stupid Christmas party." He grumbled, walking out of the room. Before Alex shut my door he added, "And try not to look so awful all the time, babe."

The door clicked closed and I fell. My lungs seemed to collapse, refusing to let me breathe. Someone help me.

I shakily stood up, urging my legs not to break beneath me. I tugged on black skinny jeans and a white sweater, too mentally worn to look for something nicer. I made my way to the bathroom and flinched when I saw my reflection.

I remembered when I loved my eyes. They were my favorite feature because of the constant sparkle.

They were everything but happy now.

The green iris' were dull and dead looking. My cheeks were sunken in, lacking the once rosy glow. My lips were cracked and slightly swollen from where Alex hit me. The worse part was the black bruise lining my cheek and jaw.

No wonder Alex hated me. I was the opposite of perfect.

I didn't have enough energy to cry, so I quickly found the cheap make up Alex bought me to cover up his damage. I applied the concealer over my bruise like so many times before.

No amount of make up could ever cover up the wounds he's inflicted on me. I was entirely dead inside. Fear was the only thing I felt.

A loud bang on the door caused me to jump. "Hurry the hell up!" Alex scoffed.

My trembling fingers turned the knob, pulling it open to reveal my fuming boyfriend. His dark eyes flickered to my jaw to check if I covered it up properly. "Well, you've looked worse." He mumbled before taking my wrist and tugging me downstairs.

As we got into the car I felt his eyes bore into me, but I didn't dare look. "You better be on your best behavior. Or else."

I barely managed a nod and rested my head against the window. Best behavior meant I had to stay by his side the entire time. If I spoke to anyone without his permission there would be hell to pay when we got home.

I just hope this party would give me a little break.


As the door to the house opened, Alex put on a smile and laced our fingers together, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I knew it was a warning.

Calum was the one who answered, his dazzling smile spread across his cheeks. "Hey Alex, Mikey!" He greeted, stepping aside to let us in.

Calum engulfed me in a hug and it took everything I had not to start crying, screaming for him to take me away. But I didn't want Alex to hurt anyone else, so I hugged back and remained silent.

"It's been so long! Glad you guys could make it." Calum beamed, leading us into his living room.

"Us too." Alex laughed. It was so fake, but it was just like the old him; the one I fell in love with.

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