Fix You ~Kay

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"Mommy, why do people cry?" The innocent seven year old asked as he munched on his chocolate chip cookie.

"Well Lukey, people cry for a lot of reasons. Maybe because they're sad or really happy." She answered back as she scrubbed another plate from the sink.

"Mikey didn't look very happy when he was crying..." the little boy trailed off as he brushed some cookie crumbs off his face. Mrs.Hemmings turned around from the sink for a second to look a puzzled look at her son.

"What do you mean baby?"

"Like when he watch me when you and Daddy go away he cries and he makes himself all red." He answered as he swung his little legs back and forth.

"What do you mean he makes himself red?" She asked drying her hands off on a towel close to her.

"The red water stuff that comes out of his arms... he told me not to tell you but he was crying and it made me sad." He said before carefully climbing off the high stool and going back to the living room to play with some of his new truck toy.


"Hello Michael, I was wondering if you could watch Luke tonight--- Yeah, we'all only be gone till 12 at the latest-- Okay, thanks sweetheart-- See you later... bye"

"Mummy was that Mikey?" The blonde boy said as he got to his feet and ran over to the couch his mother was sitting on.

"Yes it was, he's going to watch you tonight... but I need you to do some things for me, okay?" The blue eyed boy nodded his head real fast with his eyes blown wide. "Alright, I need you to be extra good and clean up all your toys and clean your room. Then tomorrow we can go get some ice cream."

"Okay! I start now!" He said before running off upstairs to go clean his penguin theme room. Liz chuckled as she got up from the couch and started to get ready so she and Andrew could leave when he got home from work.


"Oh Michael, right on time!"

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings." The 19 year old greeted with a large smile on his face. Liz pulled him into a hug as Andrew called Luke down from his room.

"For the last time Darling, just call me Liz." She said back with a smile as she pulled away from the tall boy. She led him threw the little hallway from the door to the living room as loud stomps were heard coming down the stairs.

"MIKEY!" The small boy yelled as he sped down the stairs into the older boys arms for a hug.

"Hey bud! You ready to hang out tonight?" He asked as he ruffled the small boys hair.

"Yesss" Luke answered back as he dragged out the 's' at the end. His father walked back to the door, putting his shoes on before calling his wife over to leave so they didn't miss their dinner reservations.

"Alright, the numbers are on the fridge like always just call if anything is wrong..." she said as she slipped her shoes on.

"I know Liz, don't worry we'll be fine." Michael said as he flashed a reassuring smile at the two. He laughed as Andrew playfully dragged Liz out the house.

"Can we go watch a movie Mikey?" The small boy asked as they both watched the headlights of the car pull out the driveway.

"Sure, but don't you want some dinner?" He asked while scooping the boy up and throwing him over his shoulder. The blonde boy just laughed at the action and started playfully hitting his palms against Michael's back.

"Already ate silly!" He called out as they stopped at the kitchen. The green eyed boy gently set him down before telling him to go pick out a movie while he made some popcorn instead. The elder boy laughed while shaking his head as he watched the boy run and disappear into a room while waving his arms around like a crazy person.

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