Darkness (pt.2) ~K

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Not my gif -

"I know a thing or two about pain and darkness."


It's been two weeks but Michael was still in so much pain. He wept each night for the boy he lost.

And it was all his fault.

Maybe if he didn't try to push Luke, he'd be here right now, holding the lilac boy. Maybe if those disgusting people hadn't attacked him, his angel would be calling him beautiful and singing him to sleep.

But of course things had to go wrong.

It was almost too much for Michael; having his heart wrenched out of his chest. Everything ached and he so desperately craved to see Luke's face one last time.

It was useless to try and contact the dark boy. He crushed his phone that night and took off, letting the shadows carry him at insane speeds far away from here. Luke isolated himself, staying in his demon form so he couldn't feel.

But even when he was that monster he so despised being, Luke longed for his purple haired boy. The only thing distracting him from his cruel world and allowing light to breach his damned soul.

The worse thing about it was that Luke could feel Michael's emotions. He could sense every little change in people's mood. That's how he knew Michael was in trouble that night; he felt the panic and fear. And for some reason, even being hundreds of miles away, he could still read Michael's clearly.

Perhaps it was because they were together for so long that it became a part of Luke. Whatever it was, it's torturing the blonde.

He's feeling double the pain of heart break. His and Michael's were weighing him down and making it impossible to think of anything besides that. Luke's throat was incredibly soar from screaming, while his scalp ached from pulling so harshly at his hair.

His skin seemed to constantly burn and he stumbled through the forest far away from civilization. Even though he had an extreme urge to kill, Luke forced himself to maintain control.

Michael wouldn't want him to be a monster.

For the first time in his entire existence, the demon boy began to cry. He didn't understand it at first and feverishly wiped away the falling drops. But then he gave up, collapsing to the floor and let himself drown. Luke's body shook as it was racked with sobs. Inhuman screeches flying from his lips.

"Michael." He whimpered.

Luke buried his face into his burning hands, letting the pain shatter him.


Michael stepped out onto his balcony, letting the cool air sting the tear drops that wet his cheeks. The lilac boy had begged himself to stop crying.

But there he was, pathetically clutching on to Luke's sweatshirt as he trembled.

Michael couldn't stand it anymore. He tired of feeling like his heart was being stabbed. He was tired of feeling so helpless and alone. He loves Luke. And that's all he had left, but now it's gone.

So why keep living? Why keep struggling through out each and every day when you have absolutely nothing left to live for? Isn't love the point of our existence? So why keep going without it?

You might think it silly that Michael has these thoughts. But the love between him and Luke was a tremendously powerful thing. To have a demon feel anything but bitterness and hate should not be happening.

But it is.

Michael pressed his hands to the railing, peeking over the edge to where the ground laid so far below. Since his apartment was 5 floors up, would it be enough to kill him? Surely it would be quick. And maybe it would make the pain stop. Then a thought occurred to Michael.

Would he be able to see Luke when he died? His heart suddenly fluttered, stepping onto the railing and closing his eyes.


Luke's head snapped up, black eyes suddenly fading to blue.

The odd weight of sadness was gone. It seemed to be replaced by fear, anxiety.....and hope?

The blonde gasped, knowing exactly what Michael was about to do. He sprang up, and at the speed of light, commanded the shadows to carry him. Luckily, it was dark outside, so this allowed the journey to be completed in a matter of seconds.

Luke could see him now. He could make out the jaw dropping green eyes and the beautiful shade of lilac hair. He could see his sweat shirt wrapped around a swaying body and the trembling, tattooed hands.

He could see the foot step off the balcony.

Luke's heart stopped as he lunged at the spot he new the boy would land. Barely making it as he watched Michael sink to the ground.

The demon's arms flew out, catching the boy's body easily in his arms. But the impact still was too rough for a human.

"Michael?" Luke's voice cracked as he searched his face. But the punk didn't respond, and his eyes remained closed.

Luke let out a choking sob as he fell to his knees, clutching Michael close as tears raced down the blonde's cheeks.

It was all his fault. He should've never ever left him. How could he be so fucking stupid?

Luke's eyes began flickering between black to blue. Anger filling his chest as frustrated sobs burned his lungs.

He pressed his forehead against Michael's as he cried for a second time that night. "I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeated over and over again. "Please don't leave me."

This was an entire different type of pain now. Everything wasn't sore or throbbing....it was just numb. Luke became empty again. His skin began to heat up as the world swirled around him. Michael sat motionless in his arms.

Luke let the darkness start consuming him once more. Even though he hated what he was with a passion, at least he wouldn't be able to feel anything. Maybe it would be enough for him to forget.

"L-Luke." The voice made him freeze. "Y-You're burning.....m-m-me."

Luke immediately relaxed, forcing his body temperature to lower drastically. "Oh my gosh." Luke gasped, crying even harder than before if it was possible. "Holy shit you're alive." Luke let out a choking laugh as he held the boy tighter, trying to catch his breath.

"Y-You came back?" Michael whispered, lightly tangling his fingers through the dark boy's hair.

"Always." Luke murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Michael's lips. He lifted him up into his arms and quickly walked up the stairs to the punk's apartment. He pushed inside and sat down on the couch with Michael.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Angel. I should've never left you." Luke said.

Michael shook his head and pulled the boy's face down to his, connecting their lips again. Their mouths moved in sync as every emotion pored into the kiss. It was like they would never see each other again, and were afraid to let go.

"I love you." Luke suddenly said after they pulled away.

Michael's eyes grew wide, a smile spreading across his face. "You......You do?" He squeaked, sitting up to get a better look at the blonde.

"With all my heart."

Michael grinned impossibly big and tackled Luke, causing them both to fall back onto the couch. Their lips were reattached as they tangled themselves together. "I love you, too." Michael mumbled against Luke's lips.

Darkness found Light.


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Tysm for reading!

Sorry I'm slacking on Destroy Yourself I get lazy or start writing too many one shots x)

Ily ~K

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