Tipsy ~K

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It probably wasn't the greatest idea to let Luke get so drunk.

He's never actually had a drink before because he was always the designated driver. So when Michael announced that he would drive tonight, Luke got a little carried away.

His eyes were bright and wild as he spastically danced around the club. A giggled escaped pierced lips every time he bumped into someone, which was often.

Michael sat up at the bar watching the blonde boy lose his mind. He chuckled and raised a bottle of Coke to his lips. It was extremely surprising how crazy Luke was getting. Michael had always pegged him as the emotional drunk, but there he was, a wide grin plastered to his features and limbs shaking around in all sorts of directions.

Michael took a sip of his drink. It was that precise moment when Luke decided to start twerking (Or at least, that's what he was trying to do). The punk nearly spit out his coke from laughing so hard.

A small group of people had gathered around to watch Luke make a fool out of himself. Michael was equally as entertained until some idiot chick with way too much make up on started taking pictures.

The black haired boy jumped up from his stool and quickly pushed through the crowd to Luke. He bumped into the back of the chick quite roughly when passing her.

Michael latched his hand into the younger's wrist and began dragging him away towards the exit. Luke didn't put up much of a fight as he stumbled through the odd smelling room.

"Mikeeeeeey where are we going?" Luke whined, a small hiccup up following his slurred words.

The punk didn't even try to talk over the thumping music until they were safely outside. The silent, cold air was such a relief and ebbed away his small head ache. Luke's eyebrows furrowed together as if he just realized where they were going. He clumsily laced his finger's with Michael's and smiled stupidly. "Why are we leaving?" He said, scrunching up his nose slightly.

"Because you're very drunk." The older rolled his eyes and found his car. He somehow managed to get Luke into the passenger seat without major injuries.

"I fe-el fiiiiiine, though. Like a fineapple! Haha! You get it Mikey? Because it's like a pineapple, but not!" Luke laughed uncontrollably as the engine started.

Michael sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before taking off down the road. Luke still hadn't let go of his hand, but he didn't mind. Whatever made his best friend feel safe he was willing to do.

"Di-d you know that a bunch of crows is called a murder? But that really doesn't make sense because they don't murder people!" Luke, for some reason, thought everything he said was hilarious. He then reached over and began poking Michael's cheek with his free hand, nearly stabbing him in the eye with a clumsy finger.

"Luke, quit it! You're going to make us crash." The punk snapped a little harshly and shoved Luke's hand away. The blonde's face fell and his eyes saddened.

"I'm s-sorry, Mikey." He murmured and fidgeted with their clasped fingers. The raven boy didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but he's never had the best patience.

The rest of the car ride fell silent except for Luke quietly humming 'Twinkle Little Star' to himself. Even when he was drunk, his voice was soothing and managed to twist Michael's lips into a smile.

The two eventually pulled into their hotel and managed to exit the car without much trouble. Michael moved his hand around Luke's waist to keep him from falling as they walked to their room.

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