Love is Like an Unsteady Heart Beat ~B & A

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'You're going to have to spend the rest of your life in a hospital.'

That's what my doctor said to me when I turned twelve, I had an un regular heart beat and sometimes it would beat too slow and cause severe problems with my body. I had to be monitored twenty four seven for the rest of my life, such a buzz kill honestly. What twelve year old wants to hear that? To hear that they're basically never going to be able to do anything ever again and be kept in a lifeless room for the rest of their lives. I was furious and mostly because I didn't understand why this was happening to me, what had I done wrong to deserve this? I had asked myself that everyday that I was in here and each time I couldn't come up with an answer.

Me being here made my parents fight nonstop about everything and anything. They would blame themselves for me being in here but I knew it was my fault, somehow it was my fault. They had gotten a divorce shortly after I was put in here and I would blame myself for that as well, I mean it was my fault after all since I am in here. If I wasn't in here in the first place then they wouldn't have fought and gotten a divorce. My mom however would and still visited me everyday since and I am thankful for that.

Being in a hospital for most of your life really puts a damper on your social life and makes it hard for you to make some friends but somehow I had managed to make a friend while I was in here, his name was Luke.


He wasn't a patient or anything no, I met him when he was visiting his family member one day and we bumped into each other. I was coming back from sneaking a cigarette, which no one knows about cause if they did I'd be in serious trouble, and we had hit it off so well. I only got to see him when he would visit his family member and it was usually for about ten minutes but it would be the best ten minutes of my life.

Over the years we would grow more as friends and spend a lot of time together, well as much time as we could since I was stuck in here for basically the rest of my life. Each day my crush would grow stronger for him as well, how sad is that? The boy stuck in the hospital falls for the kind boy who is pitying him, classic. I think the day I knew I was doomed was when he brought someone to my room.

'Hey Michael, how are you feeling?' Luke asked as he walked into my room wearing black skinny jeans and a red flannel and my heart monitor beat faster then evened out, thankfully he didn't notice.

'Bored and hungry but that's nothing new. What about you? What are you up to?' I asked as he stood beside my bed with his usual warm and beautiful smile.

'Good evening Michael, Luke.' My doctor said, coming into my room and stopping Luke from answering.

'Hey doc.' I said as he got things ready for my daily check up.

'Your heart beat seems to be in good shape today, it's beating close enough to a normal pace.' My doctor said and as I looked at Luke who was making funny faces behind the doctors back.

'See Michael, I told you you'd be better in no time.' Luke said. 'But anyway I'm good, I'm just visiting a friend of mine and wanted to stop by here first.' He continued and I watched the way his lip ring moved as he licked his lips, a habit he had.

'Oh well th-' I started but was interrupted.

'Babe, we need to hurry up before they tell us we can't visit anymore.' some chick in a pair of too tight for her thighs shorts came in behind him.

'I told you to wait out there till I was done. I just wanted to say a quick hello to a friend.' Luke said to her as she latched onto his hip like a mosquito to damp patch skin.

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