I Wanna Rule With You ~B

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So I wrote this as a Mashton smut for my personal but I really loved the idea that I wanted it to share it with all of you except I took the sex out cause it's just better without it so hope you enjoy (: and sorry if it says Ashton anywhere, I may have missed some lmao


It was destined and set out from the very beginning when he was born that Luke Hemmings would be the new ruler of the land as the King. He would take over his father's place as King of Algernon and rule over the land and make sure that peace is restored and kept throughout the entire country amongst everyone. Growing up Luke was always so excited to take on this role and make sure that all his people, friends, and family were safe and taken care of. However when he was around 16 years old his parents kept talking of how he would need to find a wife soon and marry her and make her the new Queen by his side but Luke was nervous for this.

He was nervous because he had realized from the age of 10 that he was not really into princesses or really any of the girls he saw, he was more into some of the princes and others boys in the kingdom. He knew that it has only ever been a Queen and a King that has ruled the land and never has it ever been two of the same so what was Luke going to do? One night while he and his parents were having dinner his father asked him if he had his eye on any of princesses and of course the answer was no. Ashton didn't want to lie to his parents so he decided he would tell them the truth, it's better they know now then later.

"Well actually, mother and father, I um I haven't found one that I like and honestly I don't think I ever will," he said, a nervous sweating mess, as he looked at his parents sitting at their large grand diner table with each of them on the ends of the table with him in the middle sitting there small and afraid.

"That's okay honey, there surely will be someone you will like and there is plenty of time to find someone as well," his mom, Madeline, said trying to make him feel better.

"I don't know, see the thing is that I don't really like any of the princesses in the land," he said with his head down ashamed.

"What do you mean? Is there another one from a different land you mean?" His dad, George, asked.

"I don't like girls I like boys," he blurted out closing his eyes not wanting to look at his parent's faces. The room went dead silent and Luke swore all you could hear was his heart racing a mile a minute. He was so scared and nervous he couldn't open his eyes but then his mother broke the silence and all his worries and cares washed away.

"Oh sweetie, why didn't you tell us before? We wouldn't be wasting your time trying to find a suitable princess," his mother said with a smile as he looked up finally.

"You mean, you're not mad?" He asked looking between his parents.

"Of course not, we love you no matter what," his dad said this time.

"It's just that there has never been a same sex couple ruling the land I wasn't sure how you would feel."

"Well I'll admit it is different but that doesn't mean you won't be a great ruler with whomever you choose to have by your side," his mother said with a warm smile and all his fears and troubles washed away.

After he told his parents it was time to tell everyone else in the land who of course wanted to know what their new King has decided and everyone was surprisingly okay with it. Yes of course there were some people who had a problem but it was such an insignificant amount no one payed much attention to them. Luke has been looking for someone to call his own and rule with but everyone he meets is either boring, or is an asshole and only cares about the position rather Luke himself and he wants to be with someone who genuinely wants him and loves him but that has proven difficult. He is still being pressured to find someone by his parents and he really is trying but it's hard.

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