One last time: pt. 2~bri

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I have cramps someone send me some Advil and pizza :/


"Please." I let out one last mangled sob before silence encased us again. It seemed as if time slowed down, and only our heart beats were heard.



I don't know what I expected him to say. He could have at least put it a nicer way to cushion the blow. Instead all he said was no, and walked away. He just walked right out of my life. Okay, maybe not out of my life since we still live in the same house, but the feeling of being denied by the guy you have loved for so long hurts. There seemed to be a lot of no's and left turns instead of rights in my life.

I've barricaded myself in my room for two days already. I'm not ready to show my face again. All I've eaten is stale chips and a banana since those were the only things I stuffed in a brown paper bag when I was rushing to my room not even a few days ago to have an emotional melt down. I'm pretty sure I look like a zombie since I haven't slept in a while. All I've done is cry my days away. Maybe if I put a bag over my head no one will notice my ugliness. The weird looking face that I doodled on the bag probably looks better than me right now, so I might as well put it on. Or, I could just walk out of my room since I'm pretty sure I heard Michael leave a while ago to go on a date with that blonde skank. Oh, how I envy her right now. I bet she doesn't even say 'I love you' to him trust me though if I were in her shoes I'd never stop telling him that.

The house was quiet as I opened my room door tiptoeing down the hall making sure not to fall since I couldn't see well because I wasn't smart enough to make the eye holes big enough for me to see out of them.

Why am I even trying to be quiet since Michaels gone?

"Luke?" A small voice whispered. Oh god, someone broke into our house and they know my name. Shit! What do I do?! Okay, Luke just go back to your room and hide under your duvet until they leave. Maybe Michael will come home early and get the intruder out of our house.

I tried to be quiet as possible when going back to my room, but sadly luck is never on my side because I ended up tripping over something in the middle of the hallway. I blame the bag thats over my head and not my feet on this one. Something was off though. The lump in the middle of the hallway whimpered when I landed on it, and the bag was ripped off of my head causing me to wince due to the change in lighting. Then blue met green, and I was attacked into a giant hug with a crying Michael in my lap.

" dumped me" He hiccuped, but kept trying to finish his what he was trying to tell me. "All I wanted to do was forget about you-but I can't! I just want to be normal. No one likes a freak that dyes their hair a plays video games! I don't want to be alone. I just want you." He was fisting my shirt now and crying even harder. I don't want him to feel like this, yet all I can do is pat his back and tell him everything 'okay', but the truth is everything's not okay.

"Michael, do you remember the first time you talked to me? We were in year 7, and you sat with me at lunch under a tree by the playground because no one else wanted to sit with me. You were the only one brave enough to sit by the 'weird' kid. I remember that was the start of our friendship. Everyday after that you sat by me. You became my only friend over the years. It's was you and me against the world until year 9 came around, and things changed." He had calmed down a little, but was still hiccuping.
"I started having feelings for you..... it wasn't right though. Around the same time I noticed these feelings for you I came out to my mom. The very next day I came to school with a black eye because of her. She told me no one would ever love a freak like me! I thought she was right, but the next day at school you saw my eye and made me skip, and go to our old elementary school playground. We talked about anything and everything under the sun. You made me feel happy and loved Michael. You were always there for me and you didn't ask questions....... I want to be here for you just like you were for me ." It was my turn to get all emotional now. Bringing back old memories like this hurts but feels good at the same time.

" Michael, I have loved you since we were 15. You took a chance with the weird kid, and we ended up here. I know we're a long way from the playground where this all began, but please just give me another chance. I just want to be in love and be loved by you. Only you."



"Do you actually love me?"

"Of course I do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Mikey."

"Then I love you to, Luke." I will never ever get used to those words.

Even after all the years that will soon pass I will never stop saying those three words to to him. He still makes my heart flutter like the doves that were released on our wedding day.

I honestly don't know how to feel about this one shot. I need inspiration and a hug plz comment request.
I really really love you guys. I'm sorry, I'm feeling really affectionate today.

Love you lots jelly tots

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