Tattooed Heart ~Kay

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"Are you alright?" Michael asked as he grabbed the younger's hand, giving it a little squeeze.

The blond timidly nodded his head before looking around the small space, he began to take in the darkness of the room and the sketches of tattoos that covered the wall for inspiration.

To say that Luke was scared to get his first ever tattoo was an understatement, he was down right mortified.

Yeah, he's come with Michael and Calum when they got some of their tattoos, even Ashton when he got his first and only band tattoo but this time it was way different. This time however, the tables have turned.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to, Bambi.." Michael said in a hushed worried tone as he continued to wait for an answer. Luke blushed at his nickname that Michael had given him from a long time ago. He made sure to look around and make sure none of the intimidating guys in there had heard his boyfriend.

"I'll be fine-- want to do this." He said finally looking into his lovers pale green worried eyes. He made the effort of squeezing the smaller hand that was wrapped up in his, trying to ease some of Michael's worries along with his own.

"Luke Hemmings?" A feminine voice called out, startling the young blonde. Luke timidly stood to his feet, practically shaking like a chihuahua. Michael followed in suit never once letting go of his hand as they both walked over to the tatted and pierced up girl holding the clipboard. She muttered a "right this way" before leading the two down a dark hallways before letting them enter a private room.

As soon as Luke stepped into the room his fears worsened. There was a strong smell of disinfectant and it was so cold that Luke began shivering. This whole room reminded him of some sort of hospital surgery room, with all the gloves and needles laying around in their protective packages.

"Take a seat and Andy should be in any moment." She informed them as she kicked the door stopper out of the way, providing privacy for the two boys.

Luke felt like he was going to throw up.

Or pass out, he didn't know which one.

There was practically visible sweat running down his face as he took his seat next to the table filled with colors of ink and all those sorts.

"You alright?" Michael asked again as he rubbed his thumb over Luke's knuckles to try and calm him down.

Luke didn't know why but all of the sudden his blue eyes began to fill with tears. He tried to desperately to hold then back but when the first one had slipped down his cheek, there was no way he could of stopped the others from coming.

When Michael saw the first tears cascade down his pale soft face, he immediately yanked Luke out of the chair by his arm and wrapped his own arms around his boyfriend trying to provide him some sort of comfort.

"Baby-- love, hey... hey look at me--" Michael whispered as he let go of Luke's waist shortly to bring his hands up to the side of his face. He wiped a few stray tears with the bad of his thumb before speaking softly again. "You're okay, you're going to be fine. I promise it doesn't hurt as much as you think.." He said as he placed a feathery kiss to the tip of the blue eyed boys nose.

Luke sniffles some more as he looks down to his black vans surrounded by the white tile on the floor.

"It's-its more than just p-pain." He sniffled as he laid his head gently into the crook of Michael's neck. Michael's eyebrows scrunched up as he brought a hand into play with the little tuffs of hair at the base of his head. It was as if Luke could see the confusing on Michael's face, resulting in Luke confessing his muffled fears to his boyfriend.

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