Madagascar Part Four

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A car was driving up to a gate somewhere deep in the woods. The driver showed his ID to the person in the booth as the gatekeeper nodded before letting the car through the gate. The gate then closes as the gatekeeper takes out a newspaper to read. The man is then taken out of his reading when he heard something hit the booth he worked in. He poked his head out of the window where he was then pulled out of the booth. 

Eren was blocking the man's nose and mouth, not allowing him to breath. After struggling for a while the man passes out and Eren lay his body on the ground. He then went inside the booth where he open the gate for himself. Following the car tracks Eren could see a bright light ahead of him. He then stopped when he saw a huge building where it would appear the light is coming from. 'What is this place?' Eren said in his head. 

From what he can see, the place was heavily guarded. Almost every entrance had a guard equipped with weapons protecting them. 'How am I going to get in this place?' Eren thought in his head. That's when he got an idea.

Two guards were staring into the forest until they spotted a man falling on the ground in front of them. "Freeze!" they both shouted as they aim their weapons at the man. They approached him with their guns still aim at him as one of them check the man's pulse. "He's alive" the guard said. The other guard picked up the man's head to look at his face. His eyes widen and said "It's him-"

Eren punched the guard in the face with a crystalize fist that knocked the poor man out. His partner jumped and struggle to get his gun ready when Eren took it away from him before hitting him with the end of the gun. The guard fell to the floor, knocked out alongside his partner as Eren stare at the two unconscious bodies.

Later he walked through the front door of the base, wearing one of the guards uniforms. The lobby was filled with a bunch of other guards who were examining their armory as Eren walked pass them. He encounter a chart that showed a map of the base, showing that the simple base actually had multiple floors. 'Where are they keeping Miku?' Eren said in his head. "Hey you" someone said behind him as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Eren was getting ready to strike as he turn around and was face to face with Zeke. "Oh good, it is you" Zeke said as he was wearing one of the guards uniforms. "Zeke! What're you doing here-"

"Quiet, they'll hear us. Come with me" Zeke said as he took Eren to another room where it was just the two of them. "How did you get here, and where did you get those clothes?" Eren asked his older brother. "It's not that hard to follow truck tracks also we found two unconscious guards. One of them was already stripped so I just took the uniform of the other one-"

"Wait, we!? What do you mean we!?" Eren asked. "Oh, Fuutarou and the sisters went with me as well" Zeke said. This information shocked Eren and also anger him as well with him feeling his blood boil. "What!? Why did you guys follow me!? Where are they now!?" Eren asked. "You're about to find out" Zeke said as they heard a commotion going on outside the room. 

"How did she escape!?" a guard shouted as they held onto what seem to be Miku. "That's impossible! The room was shut tight, no one is suppose to get out!" another guard said. "Let me go! I don't know what you guys want with me, but just let me go!" Miku shouted. "Seemed like this one thought she could be sneaky enough to get out, but nice try. Sent her back to her cell" a guard said as two guards grab each of Miku's arms and escorted her away.

"Wait, is that?" Eren said as Zeke nodded his head. "Nino. She disguise herself as Miku and got caught on purpose. Let's go before we loose track of them." The two Jeager brothers follow the guards as they took Nino down a hallway. "Watch! When my father hears about this, you'll all be in trouble!" Nino shouted as she continue to struggle. "Jeez, she wasn't this loud the last time" the guards said as they stopped in front of a door. They took out a security card from their pockets before someone said "We'll take it from here."

They turn around before they were punch in the face by two guys. Zeke shook his hand and said "Woah, that feels nice. I see why you do that a lot." The two brothers took off their helmets as Nino hugged Eren. "My hero" she said as Zeke chuckle from the sight of his younger brother getting embarrassed. "Alright, let's hurry up and get your sister" Eren said as he took the cards from the unconscious guards and swipe them, opening the door.

The three of them enter the room which was completely dark. "Why is it so dark?" Nino asked. "I don't know" Eren said as then the three of them were blinded by bright lights. Once they got their visions back they look around and saw they were in a huge room where there was a balcony up in front of them. The doors behind them closed by themselves as Eren rushed towards them and try to open them with his strength. "That's not going to work" Eren told himself as he place his hand on it and try to crystalize it.

"That won't work either" a voice said. "Those doors aren't able to be crystalize by titan powers." Footsteps could be heard going inside the room as a man stopped on the balcony and looked down at the Jeager brothers and Nino. The two brothers eyes widen as Eren said "No... This is impossible."

"This doesn't make any sense" Zeke said as Nino was very confuse by the reaction of her crush and his brother. "What? Who is this guy?" Nino asked. "A dead man who has someone come back alive" Zeke said. 

"Rod Reiss."  

The Quintuplets And Eren JeagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora