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Yotsuba was on her knees with her head down as she said "I humbly apologize."

"We've been running around since the crack of dawn" Nino said. "We had to wake up so early that I missed breakfast" Itsuki said. "This was all caused because of my mishandling of" Yotsuba was still continuing. 

"Maybe we should've pick something on the way" Ichika said. "But today we got our chef back" Miku said. "Who're you calling your chef?" Nino asked. "You have my deepest" Yotsuba was still continuing. "But first off, welcome home" Ichika told Itsuki and Nino. They got back to their apartment where Nino and Itsuki were trying to find out who should go in first. "We'll go in together" Itsuki said. "Ready, set go" Nino said but neither of them moved.

"Why aren't you moving!?" Nino asked Itsuki. "You aren't either!" Itsuki told her. "Things are lively again" Miku said. "Yup, then why don't we study for the exams" Fuutarou told them as he was standing behind them. "You girls haven't forgotten that finals are the day after tomorrow, did you?" Eren asked them. "N-Naturally, I was just going to say that" Ichika said. 

"Sheesh, listen to me everybody!" Yotsuba told the whole group. "Huh? How long are you gonna worry about that?" Fuutarou asked her. "Come in and join us" he told her afterwards. "Then Yotsuba's on breakfast duty" Miku said. "Ok, let's go!" Ichika said. They were all now eating breakfast as Ichika asked "So what happened with the track team?"

"I talked to the captain, so now I'll just help them with the meet and quit the team" Yotsuba said. "You should've dropped out of the meet too" Fuutarou told her. "I already said I would do it, so I can't turn back now" Yotsuba said. "And that captain seems like she doesn't give up" Itsuki said. "If something else comes up, tell me. I'll teach her a real lesson next time" Nino said. "Or, we could get her boyfriend Eren here to do it" Ichika said, getting a glare from Miku as a result.

"So I just ask her on a date for nothing then?" Eren asked. "What do you mean? You get to hang out with a girl. That's something most guys would kill for" Ichika told him. "Let's move on to the main event" the sisters said as they placed a pile of papers on the table. "It looks like we've all at least finished those review problems" Miku said. "Do you think we actually leveled up?" Ichika asked.

"You started off at villager level. You finally leveled up enough to defeat the trash enemy" Fuutarou said. "Do you think we will be able to defeat the final exams?" Miku asked. "We'll have to grind this weekend and-"

"Didn't you say you had a secret plan?" Miku asked him. "This is a cheat item that'll let even villagers like you girls defeat bosses" Fuutarou said as Eren then showed the secret item. "Cheat sheets" both boys said at the same time as Eren held out a little roll up piece of paper. The sisters were surprise. "I never thought you would do something like that" Ichika said. "There's no point getting good scores by cheating!" Itsuki said.

"Then study harder! We're gonna pack as much into your brains as possible over the next two days so that you don't have to use these! So be ready!" Fuutarou told them. Eren turn to Nino and said "And that is our plan moving forward. Is that all right with you?"

"What are you even asking for? Haven't you two been bossing us around all this time" Nino said. "I'll do it. Do your thing" she said as she look away with some red on her face. Eren was a little confuse but decided not to worry about it. "Let's get started. Clean off the desk" Fuutarou told the sisters as they said ok. They did that and were now sitting around the table as they were ready to study.

Fuutarou couldn't believe it as he remember long ago how each of the sisters didn't want to study, but here they were now ready to learn. "Aren't you glad you two?" Miku asked them as Eren look at his friend. Fuutarou nodded and said "We're just getting started."

Time Skip brought you by Eren's date with Eba

"Eren, wake your butt up!" Carla told her son as she was knocking on his door. Eren open it and yawn before saying "I'm up, I'm up." He then change into his school clothes as Carla turn to someone and said "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Thank you for letting me stay with you. Please accept this by a way of thanks" Itsuki said as she tried to pay with cash. "You don't need to pay, we're friends of your family. Our home is also you girls' home as well" Carla said. The two teenagers left as Carla told them good luck on their exams.

The girls had gotten to the school but were wondering where were there two tutors. Well those two boys were on the roof of the school, talking to their father. "I see. Thank you for the report" Marou told Fuutarou through the phone. "Yes, all five of your daughters are giving it their all. That part is true" Fuutarou told him. "Then good luck on the final exams you two" Marou told them. "I know it's selfish of us, but we actually have a request sir" Fuutarou said. "What would that be?" Marou asked.

"As of today, we want to step down as your daughters' tutors" Eren told him. Marou was quiet as the two boys continue. "The girls did the best they could. We think they spent more time this weekend at their desk than away from it, but we still doubt they will be able to pass the exams" Eren explained. "We proposed a desperation measure as well, but we know very well they aren't the kind of girls to resort to those tactics" Fuutarou said.

"I don't recall giving either of you a quota this time" Marou said. "We were originally on pace to avoid them failing. But my lack of ability, and nothing else, led to result" Fuutarou said. "Just teaching them what will be on the test wasn't enough. They need someone who can consider their feelings as well" Eren said. "We weren't able to do so."

"I see. Well, I have no reason to stop you. I realize this was quite the burden on you two. I'll send this month's pay at a later date" Marou told them. "Yes, thank you" Fuutarou told him. "Then, if you'll excuse me-"

"Excuse me sir, but why don't you give teaching them yourself a try?" Eren asked. "There is a limit to what a tutor can do. I think there are things only a father can do for them."

"I'm a rather busy person, and I don't want someone else telling me how to run my family either" Marou told them. "Have you even visited their home lately?" Eren asked as Marou remain quiet. "Did you know Nino and Itsuki ran away from home because they had a fight?" Eren asked. "Not until now. Has the matter been resolved?" Marou asked. "Yes" Eren told him. "Good. Thank you for telling me. Now I'd really better be-"

"Is that all?" Eren asked. "You aren't interested in why they were fighting!? You have no interest in learning what they're thinking or what they're worried about!? I don't care if your friends with my dad, but you are an asshole who doesn't give a damn about his daughters!" With that Eren hung up the phone as Fuutarou was just staring at him. "I don't think we'll be getting paid this month now. Sorry about that" Eren told him. "That's cool. I wanted to do the same thing" Fuutarou told him.

In the other side Grisha had actually heard the conversation and he was standing there shock. "Grisha" Marou said as he looked at his friend. "I'm going to kill that son of yours."

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