Thanksgiving Day

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It was the day before Thanksgiving and two sisters were looking at their phone. They were planning on sending a text to the same boy who they had a crush on to ask him if he wanted to hang out. One of them still didn't know her true feelings for him, while the other one was for certain she had a crush on him.

"Hm? This might sound like I'm inviting him on a date" Ichika said as she was covered in a blanket inside her room while looking at her phone. "All right, it sounds like I'm inviting him on a date" Miku said. "Maybe it shouldn't... Be just the two of us" Ichika said as she was getting nervous on sending this text. "A date, just two of us again" Miku said as she was excited to hang out with this boy again all by herself. "It's ok if I send this, right?" Ichika said. "I mean, tommrow is" Miku said as both girls knew that tommrow was thanksgiving.

They each press the sent button as they thought 'I sent it!' They made some clattering noises in their room which surprise their sisters who were down stairs. When the day they finally got their answer. "Sorry, but I'm busy today" Eren had texted them as he put his phone in his pocket. "Who were you texting?" somebody across from him asked. Eren looked up and saw his brother Zeke sitting across from him.

A couple of days ago he had ask his brother if he can meet with him whenever he had the time, and that time was now. "I'm guessing you're confuse on the situation right now" Zeke said as Eren nodded his head. "Did you also see Ymir before waking up here?" Eren asked him as Zeke nodded his head. "Yup. After Levi slice my head off, I thought I was dead. But I met with Ymir who I guess send me to this world" Zeke said as he took a sip of the tea that was in front of him.

"But how did you find out I was also sent to this world?" Eren asked. "Ymir told me, and also the way you were acting around some of the stuff in this world" Zeke said. Eren took a bit into the sandwich he order and said "I was getting headaches on my camping trip and then I met with Ymir again. She told me because of us being here, titans could become a thing in this world."

"And not so long ago your friend found the walls on Madagascar" Zeke said. "Ymir says it won't take them long until they find out the history from our world and what could make a titan." Eren was confuse as he asked "How though?" Zeke shurg and said "I don't know, but our mission is to stop those scinetist from finding out. If they do then this world can suffer the same fate that your people face back in our old world."

By Zeke saying that Eren was imaginating that type of situation. He imagine the people in the city running around as titans were chasing them. He saw the image of his mother being eaten agiain, but he imagine something else as well. He imagine the quintuplets and Fuutarou being chase by the titans and could happen to them. 'I don't want them to suffer that fate' Eren said in his head.Zeke payed for the check and said "Come on, let's go do something." Zeke invinted Eren to the movies where Eren picked the movie that Ichika was in recently. 

"It's over! Everyone on Shikoku has been turned into zombies!" Ichika's character said. "We've got no other choice! Drop the great seto bridge!" her co-star said as the two brothers were watching the movie. The two brothers left as Zeke said "Aren't you friends with that girl who was in that movie?" Eren nodded his head and said "Yup. Not surprise that she died so early on."

They got out to the street where they began walking on the sidewalk. "So you know what our plan is. We'll join your scincetist friend on that trip and stop them" Zeke said. He then turn to his brother and said "And no backstabbing this time." Eren nodded his head and said "Alright." 

"While we wait for that day to come, I have a favor to ask" Zeke said. "Try to find out if you still have your titan powers." Eren was surprise by that but he too was wondering about that. "I'll try" Eren said as he then heard some voices. "I wonder where Yotsuba ran off to" Ichika said as Miku was walking with her. "Maybe she's checking out some other stores" Miku said. 

Eren was surpirse to see the two girls he reject heading to his direction. "Um, let's take this path" Eren said as he pulled his brother to a different path. "Hey, wasn't that the girl who was in that movie?" Zeke asked. "Yup, but I can't have those two seeing me" Eren said as they were going down a path. They stopped for a while as Zeke said "Well, I'll leave you by yourself."

He started walking away as Eren said "Wait." Zeke stopped and turn to Eren. "I have on question for you" Eren said. "Do you know who was the girl the other me met five years ago? The owner to the pendant of this key!" Eren said as he held the key around his neck. Zeke just stare at him and said "Sorry, but I don't." Eren sigh and said "Ok, I just wanted to know." He left as Zeke chuckle. 'I'm sorry little brother, but this is for you backstabbing in our old world' he thought in his head as he left. 

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