Finding Nino And Itsuki

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On a morning day Eren had rushed to the apartment building. When he got there, he encounters Miku waiting in front of the building. "Miku" he said when he spotted her. "Sorry for asking you to come on a Sunday" Miku told her. "Where are the others? What happened after that?" Eren asked her. Miku let Eren inside the apartment building and into their apartment.

"The fight died down for a while, but after you left, they started again. They both ended up running away from home" Miku told him. "Both of them?" Eren said surprise. "Yes. Ichika and Yotsuba tried to convince them to come back, but they're both so stubborn they think they'll lose if they come back first" Miku said. "Those idiots" Eren said as he groans. "Where are the other two?"

"They said they had things they just had to do. I think Ichika's work related" Miku said. "Now of all times. Fuutarou is not going to be happy about this. Speaking of Fuutarou, where is he?" Eren asked. "I didn't want to bother him on a Sunday" Miku said. "But why me then?" Eren ask. "Because I trust you and I need your help" Miku said.

She then sighs as she said, "It's been a long time since this room felt so big." Eren got close to her and said, "We'll find your sisters, I promise you that." Miku nodded her head as she and Eren went outside to find Nino and Itsuki. They were walking together as Eren ask "Does this happen a lot?"

"We are sisters, so it's not uncommon. But... This time feels a little different to me" Miku said as Eren look at her. "Well, let's just look for Itsuki and Nino" Eren said. "I know two friends Nino's close to. What about Itsuki?" Miku asked. "Um, to be honest, I don't know who Itsuki hangs out with" Eren said. "You're no help Eren" Miku said.

Time Skip brought you by Eren and Miku looking around the city for Nino and Itsuki

"I-I'm exhausted" Miku said as she had her hands on her knees. "We haven't been looking for that long" Eren said as he was fine. "I didn't want to do this, but I guess we've got no choice" Miku said which caught Eren's attention. Miku walked up to a crowd of people and ask, "Have you seen anyone that looks like me?"

"Oh. I've seen that face at the hotel I'm staying at" an old lady said. "That's Nino!" Eren said. He and Miku then headed to that hotel where they were given access to Nino's room. Using the key, they gave them in the front desk they were able to unlock the room Nino was in. They found her sitting in a chair with a face mask and a drink in her hand while wearing pajamas. "Huh?" she said when she heard her door being open.

She turns and saw them there. "W-What are you two doing here? Wait, how'd you get in? The door was locked" Nino told them. "I told them I left my key in my room, so they let me in" Miku said. "Talk about lax security!" Nino said. Miku and Eren were quiet for a bit before Miku said "Nino, what happened yesterday-"

"Get lost! We're strangers now!" Nino shouted at them. She then kicks them out of her room, but Eren stopped her from closing the door. "Hey, we came all this way to talk to you" Eren told her. "I don't care!" she shouted at him. She kept trying to close the door on Eren, but he was using his strength to keep the door open. "Nino, what happened? I thought you loved your sisters more than anyone, so you should love that house most of all" Eren told her.

"I told you not to talk like you know me. You of all people. It's all your fault things turned out like this" Nino told him. "I wish you had never come into our lives." Eren was quiet and said "Fine, let's go Miku." He started to walk away as Nino close her door.

He and Miku were walking alone as Miku asked, "Why did you decided to leave?"

"There was no point. Nino didn't want to talk to us. The time we would spend trying to talk to her we could use that in finding Itsuki" Eren said. "We found Nino, but we still don't know where Itsuki is" Miku said. "She'll probably be fine. She's probably in a hotel like Nino" Eren said. "Actually, she left her wallet at home" Miku said. Eren placed his hand on his face and said, "Are you serious?"

"We'll continue looking for her tomorrow, ok?" Eren said. Miku nodded her head and the two went on their own way. As Eren was walking he was looking back at all the things that happen since he got here. 'I used to be the man who killed eighty percent of humanity to a tutor who is now looking for two teenage girls' he said in his head as he got to his front door.

He opens his door as mother came to welcome him. "Welcome home" Carla told him when he came inside. "Hey Mom" he said as he smells something in the air. "Are you cooking curry?" Eren asked. "Yup, I started cooking while you were gone" Carla told him. "Is there a chance you can leave me some for school?" Eren asked. "Yup, I made a lot, so it won't be a problem" Carla said. "Also, we have a guest."

"Oh, is it Zeke?" Eren said as he got to his table room. "Mrs. Jeager, may I have seconds?" Itsuki asked as she was standing there with a plate in her hand. Eren stood there confuse as he said, "How long have you been here!?"

"I-I hope you don't mind me visiting" Itsuki said as Carla went and smack Eren in the head. "That is not the way you should speak to a young lady Eren. I raised you better" Carla told him. She then looks at Itsuki and said "Yes, you can have seconds."

After dinner Eren and Itsuki were sitting at the table looking at each other. "Uh" Itsuki began but couldn't speak anything. Carla came and said "Itsuki, your room is ready."

"Thank you Mrs. Jeager" Itsuki said as she then turns to Eren. "Your mom is super nice" she told him. "Why are you here?" Eren asked her. "I apologize for coming here without warning. And for yesterday. Actually, there is something I need to talk to you about" Itsuki said. She then looks out the window and said "The moon is so pretty tonight. Won't you come with me on a walk?"

The two of them went outside and began walking together out in a park. "It is getting a little cloudy, isn't it? And the moon was so pretty earlier" Itsuki said as she looks up at the sky. "I guess" Eren said. "Honestly, you have no refinement" Itsuki told him. "I don't want someone who wolfed down curry like that to lecture me on refinement" Eren said as he imagines the way Itsuki was devouring her curry. "Wha!?" Itsuki said.

I-I couldn't help it. It had been a day since I had eaten" Itsuki said as Eren just looked at her. "Your sisters don't know where I live, I guess that made it the perfect safe house" Eren said. "I had nowhere else to go" Itsuki said. "Well, go back home tomorrow. Miku is worried about you" Eren told her as Itsuki stopped. "I cannot do that" she told Eren. "I cannot go back until Nino gives in this time."

Eren turn to her and Itsuki saw his blank face staring back at her. "I will not trouble your family any longer. Tomorrow, I will-"

"You can stay. Take all the time you need" Eren told her which surprise her. "You're going to let me stay?" Itsuki said confuse as Eren nodded his head. "I just hope our lifestyle is too low for someone like you."

"Actually, a couple of years ago, we were living a lifestyle way worse than your lifestyle" Itsuki said which surprise Eren. "Huh? You were?" Eren said. Itsuki nodded her head and started to explain. "Until our mother married our current father, we were very poor. Naturally, she was raising five children at once. I already told you about how we were when we were little. But our mother ruined her health raising us alone and had to be hospitalized. So, I decided I was going to act as our mother and guide the others."

"Well, I decided that, but it has not exactly worked out that way" Itsuki said as she seemed bump about it. 'Despite being the youngest, she had to act as their mother figure for a very long time' Eren said in his head. He thought that the sisters should be lucky they had Itsuki being that mother figure for them, as he had to live without one for a long time.

"If you're acting as the mother, then I'll be the father" Eren told her as he walked up to her. "Huh? What do you mean?" Itsuki asked. "Where is your father during all of this? He should be here and clearing up this mess. Even though I'm just your tutor, I want to help you girls" Eren told her as Itsuki remain quiet. She then chuckles and said, "I can't imagine you as a father."

They then heard something by the trees as they turn to that direction. "W-What is the matter?" Itsuki asked. "I thought someone was there" Eren said. "Don't scare me!" Itsuki told him. She then looks up at the sky and said "Oh look! The clouds are going away." She turns to Eren and said "Just look. There really is a beautiful moon tonight."

The moon light was shining upon Itsuki, making her look very beautiful. Eren just stood there staring at her and chuckle for a bit. "What's funny?" she asked. "You need to read more books" Eren told her as she was still confused. 

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