Jeager In A New World

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It was dark as a certain man didn't know where he was. His name was Eren Jeager, the man who caused the rumbling and killed eighty percent of the world. The reason was so his friends could be seen as heroes as they would be the ones to end his life, despite them being against it. And now here he was, awaiting the flames of hell to welcome him as he thought he was going to hell for the actions he committed.

That was until he heard a voice. "Hey, wake up" someone said. A light then shin away the darkness as Eren walked towards it. "Do I need to call an ambulance?" the person asked as Eren open his eyes. "Where am I?" he asked as he was staring at the sky. He could feel grass beneath his body as he grab a little bit with his hands.

"You're in a park. Do I need to call an ambulance?" the person asked. Eren turn and saw the person was a black hair boy with a black hair girl next to him. Eren sat up as he held onto his head, trying to figure out what happen to him. "Where am I?" he asked again. "You're in a-"

"I know that, but what country?" Eren asked. "You're in Japan. I think I'm just going to call an ambulance" the boy said as he took out his phone. "No, don't call anybody" Eren said, thinking their was a chance he might still be a wanted man. Eren stood up and looked around him. He was in a place similar to a field with people walking around. Something that caught his attention was the tall buildings that surrounded the little area he was in.

'This must be a city' he said in his head. "We were just walking in this park until my sister found you lying on the ground not breathing. What's your name?" the boy asked him. "Eren. Eren Kruger" Eren lied to the boy. "My name is Fuutarou Uesugi, and this is my sister Rahia" the boy told him. Eren nodded his head and said "It was nice meeting you two." He then walked away as he wanted to explore more of this new city he was in.

He had been to Marley with his friends so he knew what a city was like. But this was more different that the one in Marley. The cars looked different as they looked more box like and the clothing people were wearing were different. He continue to walk down a sidewalk as he stopped in front of a large building.

On top of it read museum and on the bottom had a sentence saying it had stuff about history in it. 'If I want to know where I am, I want to know what things has happen' Eren said in his head as he enter the building. The inside of the building surprised Eren as it had many different things on its walls with so many people inside of it.

After going through a map that had the specific time eras on them, he went to the one around the time era he knew. When he got to that section, he begin looking at everything in it. He read about the information that every single sign had and looked at all the things he saw that were familiar. But he saw nothing about the rumbling or anything about the history of Paradise or Marley.

In fact, he couldn't spot Paradise on the map that he found in that section, only an island called Madagascar. 'Was is this? Is this a world where Paradise doesn't exist? But what of Marley, I can't find them either' Eren said in his head. He walked out of the section and was about to leave when he bumped into someone. "Sorry" Eren told them. "No, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going" the person said.

Eren saw that it was a girl wearing a blue sweater with headphones around her neck. "Excuse me, are you a history expert of some sort?" Eren asked. "Um, a little bit" the girl said embarrass. "Well, do you know about what happen to Paradise and Marley? I can't seem to find anything about it here" Eren told her. "Paradise and Marley? I have never heard of those places before" the girl told him. Eren nodded and said "Thank you, sorry for wasting your time."

"No problem" the girl told him as he left. Eren left the museum as he had an idea on the situation he was in. 'I'm somehow have been teleported to a new world where Paradise and Marley does not exist. But how is that possible?' Eren said in his head as he was walking on the sidewalk again.

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