Week Before Midterms

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Midterms were next week as many of the students were nervous about them. Some were studying just like Itsuki right now as she sat in her desk reviewing some of her materials. "Itsuki" someone called out to her as she look up from her studying. Both Eren and Fuutarou had walked over to her as she asked "What is it?"

"Oh nothing, I just saw you working hard" Fuutarou said. "I'm impressed you're studying during your free time." Itsuki was surprise that a compliment was coming from Fuutarou. "I told him that you've been studying at home and that you've been working really hard" Eren said. "Since we're in the same class, I can tell that you're the most diligent of the five sisters" Fuutarou said. "You think so?" Itsuki asked. "Yeah!" Fuutarou said. "You're just-"

Before he could finish Eren cover his mouth as he said "You're just super smart, and we hope you could join us for study group." Itsuki just stare at them as she said "I'll think about it." The two boys left the classroom as Fuutarou asked "Why did you cover my mouth?"

"Because you were going to say something stupid that would've caused her not to join the study group" Eren said as he wipe his hand on some napkins he found. "Alright, onto the next sister" Fuutarou said as the two of them went to go find her. "Nino" Fuutarou said as he and Eren stood on top of a staircase, looking down at the girl who was hanging out with some friends. "Are you prepare for the midterms-"

"Let's go girls" Nino said as she and her friends passed them. "Huh? Are you listening to me!?" Fuutarou told her. "Wasn't that guy talking to you Nino?" one of her friends asked. "He's a stalker" Nino told her. "Both of them are." Eren turn to her and said "Nino, we'll be having a study group with your sisters. We're just wondering if you want to come, it's fine if you don't, but we advise for you to come." Nino didn't say anything but instead kept on walking with her friends. 

"Couldn't you try a little hard to convince her?" Fuutarou asked. Eren shrug and said "Why try with her? She doesn't like us, so why try so hard to work with her?"

Time Skip brought you by Eren mocking Nino about her earrings as she was getting annoyed by him

Eren and the others were now in the library as they were getting ready to start their study group. Itsuki was there but she sat in another table as she did her own studying. "At least she's here" Eren said to Fuutarou. "Uesugi-san, I have a question for you! What's different about me today!?" Yotsuba asked as she spun around in front of the two boys. They just stare at her before turning to the other sisters. "Do you know what's coming up?" Fuutarou asked them.

"They ignored me!" Yotsuba said. "The hint is it's above my neck" Yotsuba continued but no body listen to her. "Oh, the school camping trip" Ichika said. "I can't wait" Miku said. "So the exams aren't even on your radar? Very reassuring" Fuutarou said in a dark tone. "Aha, we know that" Ichika said. "You sure?" Fuutarou asked.

"Maybe that was too hard for you Uesugi-san. The answer is the pattern on my ribbon is different! A friend told me that checks are in style now!" Yotsuba said as she pointed to her ribbon. Fuutarou grabbed her ribbon and said "What a coincidence. Checks are in style on your answer sheet too."

"Well, I'm on the cutting edge" Yotsuba said a little nervous. Ichika laugh as Fuutarou turn to her and said "You don't have room to laugh girls! At least Yotsuba is trying!" He slammed Yotsuba's answer sheet on the table as he said "Look, you're gonna have a hard time passing these exams at this rate! And, if you don't, the camping trip waiting beyond them may as well be a dream within a dream!"

Eren walk over and said "Get a cup of water, I'll handle the rest." Fuutarou cough a bit as he gave Eren time to speak. "Look girls, the midterms cover all subjects, so we'll be spending next week preparing for them" Eren said as the girls didn't seem to like that idea. He turn to Miku and asked "Hey Miku, been working on your English?"

"I have. I'm been working a lot harder just for it" Miku said as Eren nodded his head. 

Time Skip brought you by the girls and the boys having their study session 

The study group was over as all of them had left the library. "Ah, I'm bushed!" Yotsuba said. "I want to get home as soon as possible" Miku said. "Damn it, there's not enough time to study after school. How are we suppose to get all the information inside their head over the weekend?" Fuutarou said as he was walking next to Eren.

"I don't know to be honest" Eren said as he felt something blow air into his ear. He turn and saw it was Ichika as she said "You guys don't have to stress about it that much. It's not like they'll throw us out over the midterms."

"We'll do our best, so stick with us" Ichika said as she smile at them. "Although, we'd do even better with some kind of award" Ichika suggested. "Oh! I want one of those fruit parfaits from that place in front of the station!" Yotsuba said. "I want a Matcha parfait" Miku said. "You know talking about it made me hungry" Ichika said. "Why not invite the others and go!" Yotsuba suggested.

"I thought you wanted to go home!" Fuutarou said as Eren chuckle. "I wouldn't mind something to eat" Eren said. "You guys better hurry up or we'll leave you guys behind" the sisters told them. Eren was going to follow them but Fuutarou said "I can't go with them. I need to go home and study for the midterms. Besides that I also need to know a strategy I'm going to have to use for the learning seasons."

"You sure? C'mon, you'll have some fun" Eren said. "I can't" Fuutarou said as Eren just stood there and look at him. "Whatever" Eren said as he follow the sisters, leaving Fuutarou behind. 

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