The Sleepover Part One

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"I got married, how about a wedding present!?" Yotsuba said to Fuutarou who was sitting across from her as he, Eren, and the sisters were playing a board game. "Huh?" Fuutarou said. "Congrats" Ichika said. "Fuutarou is jealous" Eren said. "Why would I be?" Fuutarou asked. "It's my turn" Miku said as she grabbed the dice. 

"I've been scouted as an actress apparently" Miku said. "Jeez, that's the one I wanted!" Ichika said. "Man Fuutarou, even in the game you're still poor" Eren said as Fuutarou turn to him with a really bro look. "Wait, this is no time to be enjoying a board game! Fix your real lives!" Fuutarou shouted. "But we studied a lot today, so let's take a break" Ichika said. "My head's gonna poop" Yotsuba said. 

"Well, you have a point" Fuutarou said. "Hey Fuutarou, you're more stressed out than usual. Is something going on?" Eren asked. "Actually" Fuutarou said, but didn't say anything else afterwards. "In that case, I have a proposal-"

"Ah wow. So you're skipping the books to goof off?" Nino asked as she arrived at the living room. "Hey Nino" Eren said. "I wanna play, change places with me" Nino told him. "Actually what?" Miku asked Fuutarou. "Never mind! It's nothing!" Fuutarou said. Eren scooted over as Nino sat next to him and saw his cash. 

"I'm impress, you actually have a lot" Nino said as she picked it up. "Want to join us?" Eren asked Itsuki who also arrive there. Fuutarou realize she arrived as he tried to talk to her. "Itsuki, yesterday-"

"I want to study a little on my own, so you will have to excuse me" Itsuki said as she started heading to her room. "H-Hey!" Fuutarou said as he tried to go after her. "Look, you're done tutoring for the day and Itsuki doesn't want Eren to tutor her, so get going you two!" Nino told the two boys. "Wait Nino. What are you two boys saying? This wasn't the deal" Ichika said as the boys were confuse. "Weren't you two supposed to stay over and help us study all night?"

Time Skip brought you by Eren helping Miku with her homework

'This bath is huge' Eren said as he sat in it while taking a bath. 'I'm surprise that Ichika helped us like that, but why? Also why is Fuutarou acting like that, is he hiding something from us?' Eren pour some water on himself and started scrubbing his long hair. "Eren, this is Itsuki" a voice through the door said. "I wanted to talk to you about what happen with Fuutarou."

"Well I don't know that much about what's going with Fuutarou myself. Why don't you go talk to him about it, Nino?" Eren said as someone enter the bathroom. "How did you know it was me?" Nino asked. "Itsuki is my student, I know the difference between her voice and her sisters" Eren said. "Also I recognize the voice of the devil."

"Are you insulting me!?" Nino asked Eren. "Maybe" Eren said as he pour some water on himself. "Anyway, why are you inside the bathroom while I'm showering?" Eren asked. "You've seen me naked, so this makes us even" Nino said as she started to realize how muscular Eren was. "Ok, you done? Or do you want to see more?" Eren said as he was about to get out of the bath tub. 

"D-Don't get out of the tub while I'm still here!" Nino shouted at him as she left the bathroom. "Eren's been in the bath for a long time, huh?" Yotsuba said. "He must be enjoying our leftover water" Ichika said. "The bath" Miku said as she imagine her walking in on Eren wearing nothing but a towel. She then shook her head as Ichika asked "Gonna go get him?"

"You've got him right here. You've gotta be more aggressive with your approach" Ichika said to Miku. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!?" Miku said as she look the other way. Eren got out of the restroom as Yotsuba said "Oh, he's back! Hey Eren!"

"Hey everyone" Eren said as was finishing setting up his har. "You could go take a bath now Fuutarou" Eren said. "Um, yeah sure" Fuutarou said as he went to take bath. "I guess while he showers, some of us should go get snacks. Eren, you and Miku should go get some" Ichika said, surprising Miku. "What!?" Miku said as Ichika winked at her. Eren was hesitate since he knew Nino would go after Fuutarou while he showers.

"Yeah sure. Hey Nino, want to come with us?" Eren asked, wanting to make sure not to leave her alone. "No, no, no! Only you and Miku should go! Getting snacks doesn't require more than two people to go do it" Ichika said. Eren was still hesitate but gave in. "Ok, let's go quick" Eren said as he and Miku left.

At the store Eren was grabbing any snack that he could find, not caring what they were. "Are you ok Eren?" Miku asked him as Eren was still grabbing things quickly. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" Eren asked. "You're taking a jar of pickles" Miku told him as he realize he was holding a jar of pickles. "I like pickles" Eren said. He continue putting things in the basket as Miku was feeling a bit down.

'Maybe he's acting like this because he doesn't want to be left along with me' Miku thought in her head. 'But we were alone when we went to the museum, so why is he acting like this?' Then something else came into her mind. Eren had invited Nino to go with them, did he perhaps wanted to be with Nino instead of her.  

Eren was done taking things as he went to the counter and pay. The clerk began scanning the items as he look at Eren and Miku. "You guys are a cute couple" the clerk told them. "Oh, we're not a-"

"Thank you!" Miku said as she wrapped her arm around Eren's arm. Eren look at her confuse as the clerk finished scanning their items. They purchase the items as they left and Eren was trying his best to get to the apartment building before Nino could attack his friend while he was in the shower. "C'mon Miku" Eren said as he didn't hear a response back from her.

He turn around and saw her behind him but she was looking at the ground. "What's wrong?" he asked her. She didn't response as Eren walk up to her. "Miku, is something bothering you?" Eren asked her. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile before saying "Nothing is wrong." Eren could tell she was lying as he put his hand through the bag. He grabbed something as he pulled it out.

"Here" Eren said as he handed her a Matcha soda. "I swear there's no snot in it" he said as he gave her a small smile. "I didn't see you put that in the basket" Miku said as she grabbed it. "I snuck it in while you weren't looking" Eren said. He tilted his head a bit and said "Now tell me what's wrong."

Miku stood there as she asked "Do you have a crush on Nino?" Eren stood there for a bit before saying "Huh?" Miku nodded her head and said "You wanted Nino to come with us and look disappointed when Ichika said for only us to go. And when we enter the store, you seem like you were in a rush to get back to the apartment, like if you wanted to go back to be with her." 

Eren chuckle before started laughing out loud as Miku pouted. "What's so funny!?" she told him. "Nothing. The fact you think I have a crush on Nino is really funny to me" Eren said. "But, don't you?" Miku asked. "I don't. I don't see Nino in that way, and I know for sure Nino would love to see me get my head shot off from my neck if she had the chance to" Eren said. 

"Then, why were you rushing in the store?" Miku asked. "I know Nino is probably planning on doing something to Fuutarou while I'm gone. So I need to hurry and stop her from doing anything to him" Eren explained. Miku nodded her head as Eren said "Now, let's hurry!"

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