The Truth

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The quintuplets were heading towards the pool as they could feel the summer heat beaming on them. "It's hot again today" Yotsuba said as she wipe her forehead. "I want to get in the water quickly" Ichika said as she wave her hand towards herself as a fan. "Eren said he and Fuutarou are going to arrive after us, so let's go in" Itsuki said. "Come on Miku" Ichika told her sister who was looking at a sign of rules. The rules clearly states that they did not allow any guest who had tattoos on their body. "You aren't going to get us thrown out, are you Nino?" Miku asked her sister.

"I don't have any tattoos" Nino told her. "Aha! Nino loves fashion and stuff, so it seems like she'd have one" Yotsuba said. "She's the type who'd get their boyfriend's name or something" Ichika said. "I'd believe it" Miku said as she and her sisters imagine Nino with someone's name tattoo on her arm. "Who the heck do you girls think I am!?" Nino told her sisters. "Although, engraving your bond with your partner onto your very flesh is pretty romantic."

"I knew it" Miku said. "No, seriously I wouldn't do it. It looks too painful" Nino said. "Of course not! Getting a tattoo would make you a delinquent!" Itsuki told her as she kept on walking. "Phew, you're strict Itsuki" Nino told her. Itsuki could only sigh as she didn't want anything to go wrong today. 'Things are so peaceful between us when Eren isn't around. Please don't let anything occur today.'

After that the girls split up and Itsuki was ordering some food. "Order up! Here's your five orders of Yakisoba!" said the cashier as they gave Itsuki her order. "Thank you very much!" Itsuki told them as she took her food. "Now you're eating enough for five?" someone said behind her as she turned around to see Eren and Fuutarou behind her. "Eren! Uesugi-kun too! You're both here!? N-No! This is for everyone!" Itsuki told them. "So, one serving per sister?" Eren said. Itsuki was quiet afterwards as the two boys looked around to see if they can spot the other sisters. "Hey Itsuki, where are your sisters?" Eren asked. "Eren" Itsuki said.

"What do you think of this swimsuit? You sprung this on us so suddenly that I had to rush out and buy one. I couldn't quite fit into my previous one" Itsuki asked as she looked embarrassed to show off her swimsuit. "Huh? Well, I think it looks cute" Eren told her which made the girl red. "R-Really? Well, I'm glad" Itsuki said as she looked away from him. Fuutarou just watch this before saying "Can I speak now?"

"Sure" Eren told his friend. "I was a little surprise when you'd suddenly invited me to the pool" Fuutarou told him. "I thought this was one of the best places to go, or do you think I should've chose another spot?" Eren asked. "No, all my sisters loved the idea. We hadn't done anything this summer year" Itsuki told him. "Yeah, I'm fine with it too" Fuutarou told him. "I'm glad" Eren told them. He looked around again trying to look for the sisters. The trip would've lost its purpose if all the sisters weren't there. "So, where is everyone-"

"This flower pattern is the style this year!" Itsuki said as she confuse the two boys. "Huh?" they both said. "My swimsuit. It's a little embarrassing, but I adopted as-"

"Hey, how long are we gonna stand here chatting?" Fuutarou asked. "Yeah. I would like us to find your sisters so we can start having fun" Eren told her. "Yes, excellent point" Itsuki told them as she was now getting nervous. Itsuki was walking ahead of the two boys as she thought 'Ugh, is there nothing I can do to delay him from running into my sisters?' 

'Things had finally calmed down during summer vacation. I just have to be vigilant! Just watch Mom, I shall protect the peace between my sisters!' Itsuki said in her head as she raise her fist. She then suddenly spotted Ichika as she started to guide the boys at another direction. "Boys! Everyone is this way!" she said as she pushed them to another direction. But to her dismay, she saw Yotsuba not that far from them. "I'm sorry, just hide!" she told the two boys as she took them behind some bushes. "What is going on Itsuki!?" Eren asked. "Nothing, just bend over! Why're you two so tall!?" Itsuki said. She heard footsteps behind her as someone asked "What are you three doing?"

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