Kyoto Trip Part Three

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It was night time and everyone were suppose to be sleeping. "Please don't take my picture" Itsuki said in her sleep as one of her sisters wasn't asleep. Miku was still awake as she had her phone in her hand. She was looking at a picture that her and her sisters had taken earlier in the day as they looked happy in it. But turns out Miku wasn't the only one sleeping as Ichika was also still awake as she felt bad for what she had done.

The morning had came and students were at a temple. "Oh, I can see all the way to the station!" Yotsuba said as she out look out at the view. "Ugh, what if we fall?" Itsuki asked as she was looking at how tall they were because of the temple. "I thought the fence was higher" Itsuki said. "Haha, we've gotten taller!" Yotsuba said as her hand then slip from the fence. Itsuki looked afraid until Yotsuba told her "Gotcha."

"Honestly! Please don't do that!" Itsuki told her. "Sorry!" Yotsuba told her as someone was walking towards them. "You two do know that everyone can hear your conversation, right?" Eren said as he walk up to them. Eren walked to the fence as he look down before he lean on the fence. "You're not scare of heights?" Itsuki asked him. "Nope. I've been bigger" Eren said. Itsuki chuckle and said "I think you meant you've been higher than this." Eren didn't say anything until he simply spoke "Sure."

"We're supposed to operate in groups on the second day. Your friends aren't with you?" Yotsuba asked him. "No, I've got some business with Ichika" Eren said which surprise Yotsuba. "I figured she'd be with you" Eren told her. "Ichika is not here" Itsuki said. "Ichika and Nino are apparently seeing the sights with their friends from last year. Miku is resting in the hotel because she still doesn't feel well."

"We're worried about Miku, but because of all that, the two of us are seeing the sights alone" Yotsuba said. "It's pretty sad when less than 50% of you are here, huh?" Eren said. "Anyway, where's Fuutarou? I was hoping to speak to him about something" Itsuki said. "When did you two get so close?" Eren asked. "Huh!? W-We're not close or anything! It's kind of hard to explain" Itsuki told him. Before Eren could say anything, his head started hurting.

He grabbed his head as he groan in pain a bit as the sisters look at him. "You're ok!?" they both asked him. "Ugh. Yeah, I'm fine" Eren told them. 'The last time I've gotten a headache like that was in the last school trip. What does this mean?'

Back at the hotel, Miku was in the hallway talking to a teacher. "I'm sorry about the trouble" Miku told the teacher. "Don't worry about it. I just hate that this had to happen during your field trip" the teacher said. "I'll rest a little in my room" Miku told her. "Yes, and if you feel better, let me know. Oh, before I forget, there seems to be some weirdo taking illicit photos in the hallway, so be careful."

"Thank you, mam" Miku told her as she went inside the room. When Miku entered the room, she pulled back her hair and said "Mysterious as a shade, was it?" On the bed was the real Miku and the sister who came inside was Nino. "What are you doing Nino?" Miku asked her. "Acting like you. In more ways than one. They'd for sure get suspicious if two of us played sick" Nino said. She was setting her hair back to her usual hair style as she said "The next roll call is... Yep, I've got plenty of time still."

"I was asking why you came here" Miku told her. "Didn't I say on the phone? I want to talk to you alone" Nino told her as Miku remain silent. "If you came to cheer me up, just forget it" Miku told her. "Huh?" Nino said as she got closer to Miku. "Why the hell would I try to cheer you up?" Nino asked her as their faces were close to each other. "My rival in love just backed down of her own accord. I consider this a lucky break. Now I just have to beat Ichika. How am I going to deal with that sneak? And so, I'm taking E-kun. You ok with that?" Nino said to Miku as she was on top of her. "E-kun, when did you start-"

"What? You're not gonna tell me to let you have him because you liked him first, are you?" Nino asked her. "T-That's not what I was getting at" Miku told her. Nino was quiet for a bit before saying "Sure you may have been first. I'm still not sure whether time has any bearing on love. This is the first time anything like this has happened to me. I've got absolutely no idea what's right or wrong. All I'm sure is that I love him more than anyone else."

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