Shocking News

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Eren was walking towards the restroom as the door open in front of him. Standing there was Takeda who looked at Eren with a smile on his face. "Jeager-kun, what a coincidence we met up in a place like this" Takeda said as Eren just ignore him and walk by him. Takeda follow him inside the restroom as Eren headed to a stall. "It must be tough being the Nakano's private tutor" Takeda said as Eren ignore him again and enter the stall.

Takeda stood there for a couple of seconds until he heard the toilet flush. Eren walked out and headed to the sink to wash his hands. "You know. I wouldn't mind taking your place, and that would be quite a load off. Don't you think?" Takeda said as Eren just wash his hands before grabbing some paper towels to dry his hands. 

After drying his hands Fuutarou came inside the restroom. "Hey Fuutarou" Eren said as he wave at him before leaving. Takeda rush outside the restroom and said "I know you can hear me Jeager!"

Later that same day the boys were back at the quintuplets apartment for another study session. "It's been a while since we all studied here" Miku said. "We all had work lately" Nino said. "Ichika's got work today too. I wish I could've gone to that preview screening with her" Yotsuba said. "That reminds me, hey Itsuki. Have you gotten a job yet?" Eren asked as Itsuki looked nervous.

"What? Still?" Fuutarou said. "Please give me a little longer to think it over" Itsuki said. "That's fine. You just need your time" Eren said. "The national mock exam is coming up at the end of the month" Nino said. "I finished this one" she said as she held her study sheet. She scooted towards Eren and said "Here, grade it for me E-kun." Suddenly she felt something touch the side of her face as she saw Miku sitting there with her study sheet in her hand. 

"I finished too" Miku said. "You're in my way" Nino told her. "What do you mean?" Miku asked. "Huh?" Nino said. "The mock exam is pretty tough, huh?" Yotsuba said. "Yes" Itsuki said. "But I'm not especially worried about it either" she said as Nino and Miku fought in the background. "How come?" Eren asked. "We all passed our finals and we've already done this before, so this should be a piece of cake" Itsuki said. "At this point, it's looking like graduation is in our sights. Right guys!?" Yotsuba said as she looked at her tutors.

'They're really thinking positive about this. I know with their hard work, they'll make it to the finish line' Eren said in his head. He looked at the sight before him of the five friends he had made in this new world. 'I wish I could be there to watch them graduate.'

"All right! Sit back while we grade these girls!" Fuutarou said as he and Eren grabbed their sheets. After a short while Fuutarou was looking at the floor with a gloom look as he said "You've gotta be kidding me. You failed almost everything." He looked up with a shadow aura and said "Stop fooling around. Oh, is that it? Are your brains built to reset every time you go up a grade?"

"Oh hey! That explains so much!" Yotsuba said. "I thought I passed" Miku said as she looked a little disappointed. "This might sound like an excuse, but we've all been working recently that we didn't have time to review on our own" Nino said. "Now that you mention it, Itsuki's score didn't go down that much" Eren said as everyone turn to her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Itsuki said. 

"You were all just talking about how easy it was gonna be to pass and now this happens. Don't forget, but me and Fuutarou also need to study for the exams" Eren said as the girls looked guilty about it. Eren sigh and said "But we can make what you girls say into reality. Let's go through the ones you all missed one by one." The girls started smiling as Eren and Fuutarou began going around and helping each one of them.

After a short while they heard the door bell ring and Itsuki went to check who it was. They heard footsteps as the two tutors look up to see who it was. "Coming in" Marou said as came inside the apartment. "Dad!?" the girls said shock. "What brings you here? In fact, did we ever gave you this address?" Nino asked. "I heard the national mock exams were soon, so I came to introduce you to someone. Come in" Marou said as they heard footsteps entering the apartment.

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