The Results

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They all took their midterms as they got their results back. They all met at the library where Fuutarou said "Hello girls, thank you for coming. And Eren."

"I thought you had forgotten me" Eren said. "What is it? Why so stiff?" Ichika asked. "We're not strangers here" Yotsuba said. "Time to report on our midterms" Miku said. "Teach us the parts we got wrong again, ok?" 

"Yeah, but first show me your answer sheets" Fuutarou told them. "Ok, I made-"

"I do not want to show you" Itsuki said. "One's test scores are not meant to be shared with others! I absolutely refuse!" The girls were confuse as Fuutarou and Eren knew why she was doing this. Fuutarou sigh as he said "Thanks, but I was prepare for this. Tell me." Each of the sisters only passed one subject each. Yotsuba passed language arts, Miku passed social studies, Ichika passed math, Nino passed English, and Itsuki passed science.

"Yeesh, I know we didn't have that much time, but I can't believe you couldn't get at least 30 points after we studied so much" Fuutarou said. "That really reminds me just how dumb your girls are, how depressing."

"Oh be quiet" Nino told him. "But it's so like us that the subjects we passed were all different." Yotsuba agreed with her as Fuutarou said "Yeah, you're definitely improving." 

"Miku, getting 68 points with this test difficulty was pretty impressive. Although there was a certain bias in your answers. From now on, have confidence and teach your sisters the parts you know" Fuutarou told her as Miku was confuse.

"Yotsuba, your easy misses stood out, it's a waste. Don't rush and take your time" Fuutarou told her. "Roger that!" Yotsuba told him.

"Ichika, you're too unconcerned about the induvial questions. Don't give up until the very end" Fuutarou told her. "Ok" she told him,

"Nino, you never listened to me, right to the very end. I'm sure I won't able to come here as much going forward because of other jobs. Don't let your guard just because I'm not here" Fuutarou told her as she said "Hmph."

"Fuutarou, what do you mean other jobs? You won't be able to come back, why are you saying that?" Miku asked her as he stood there silent. "Itsuki, you're so clumsy!" Fuutarou told her. "What!?" Itsuki said shock. "You spent so much time on induvial questions that you didn't make it all the way to the end!"

"I am aware of that mistake" Itsuki told him. "Good. As long as you know what the problem was. Be more careful next time" Fuutarou told her. "But you-" She couldn't finished as her phone started ringing. She pulled out her phone and saw who was calling her. "It's our father" she told him. Fuutarou took the phone and said "Uesugi speaking."

"Ah, so you were with Itsuki? I thought I'd ask the girls individually but I suppose I can just ask you how they did. And I'll know it you're lying son" the girls father told him. "I'll tell you the truth sir, but next time get your daughters a better tutor" Fuutarou told him. "Then" their father said. "The results of the exam were-"

Fuutarou couldn't finished as Nino took the phone from him. "Daddy, this is Nino" she said to the phone. "Can I ask you one thing? Why did you give him that condition?"

"I have responsibilities as a parent. I simply confirmed whether or not a high school student like Uesugi could measure up to my expectations. Whether or not he was suitable for my daughters."

"It was for us then, right? Thank you daddy, but you can't tell if he's suitable for us by numbers alone" Nino told her father. "That's the best method of judging" he told her. "Oh really? Then I'll tell you the five of us avoided failing all five subjects" Nino said surprising the two boys. "Is that true?" her father asked. "It's not a lie" Nino told him. "If you say so Nino, it must be correct. Keep working with Uesugi-kun from now on." After he said that he hanged up.

"Nino, what was that?" Fuutarou asked her. "I passed English, Ichika passed math, Yotsuba passed language arts, Miku passed social studies, and Itsuki passed science. Together the five of us passed all five subjects. I didn't lie to him."

"Wow, that's pretty smart" Eren told her making her look away from him. "In the end I deceived daddy a little. It probably won't work again. Just make sure it's true next time" Nino told Fuutarou as he said "I'll do it."

"Hey, what are you three talking about?" Ichika asked them. "When did I passed all five subjects!?" Yotsuba asked. "Miku, you never had to worry. Eren was never gonna leave us in the first place" Itsuki told her sister. "Then let's review right now!" the sisters said. "Huh? I don't want to!" Nino said. "Don't you run" Ichika told her.

"Good idea. The studying you do right after a test is the most important. But, it doesn't have to be immediately afterwards" Fuutarou said. "What was it? Rewards? Didn't you say something about parfaits?" The girls looked at him surprised as Itsuki started laughing. "Why are you laughing!?" Fuutarou asked her. "Because you said parfaits, it doesn't suit you at all!" Itsuki told him.

"But make mine an extra large" Itsuki told him as Fuutarou looked shock. "They have those?" Fuutarou asked as they headed to the shop. Eren and Nino were in the back as he asked "Why did you do it? Why do all of that just to save him?"

"I don't know, and why do you care?" Nino asked him. "Because what you did made me change my views on you" Eren said. "Your views on me?" Nino said. "Yeah, I thought you were just mean, cruel, a psycho-"

"Are you just using this as an excuse to insult me!?" Nino shouted at him. Eren chuckle and said "Maybe." Nino turn away from him as he said "But I also saw a girl who loved her sisters. What you did just now made me think that you're a nice person deep down, I respect that." Nino was still looking away from him as she said "Thank you." 

"Come on you two!" Ichika told them. "What are you two talking about?" Miku asked them. "I'm just complementing your sister" Eren said as they continue walking. 

Time Skip brought you by everyone enjoying their reward

Eren got home a little late due to him celebrating with the others. When he got inside the house he could see his parents talking to someone. 'Is Zeke here? Nobody told me he was coming' Eren said in his head as he headed to the table room. When he got there he saw a black hair man sitting across from his father. His father turn to him and said "Eren, you're back! That's good, we were just talking about you."

"You might know this man. This is doctor Nakano from the hospital I work at" his father said as he introduce him to the man across from his father. 'Nakano!? Wait, I knew I recognize that last name from somewhere!' Eren said in his head. "Marou just came here to tell me some excellent news" Grisha said as Marou nodded his head.

"Yes. From what I heard you've been tutoring one of my daughters for some time now, yes?" Marou said as Eren nodded his head. "Well, I just found out they had passed their midterms and I wanted to thank you for helping achieve that. I was hoping that instead of just tutoring only one of my daughters, how about tutoring all five of them?"

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