Side Chapter: The Museum

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Miku was waiting outside the museum as she look at the time and saw that Eren was five minutes late. 'Is he not coming?' she asked in her head as she look around to see if he was coming. She then look down wondering if this was just a prank that Eren was trying to pull. "Hey Miku!" somebody said as she look up. She turn and saw Eren walking up to her. "Eren!" she said with a smile when she saw the boy.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get this" Eren said as he held two tickets in his hand. "Y-You did what?" Miku asked as Eren chuckle. "I'm kidding, I was just joking" Eren said as Miku gave out a little chuckle. The two of them went inside as they began looking through the exhibits. 

"You know, I was wondering about something. Why were you here when I first met you?" Eren asked her. "I-I was looking at the new Japanese warlords section they just added here" Miku said. "Oh yeah, I checked out that exhibit a couple of weeks ago. The tour guide was a really nice guy" Eren said as they were heading somewhere. "So, what are the tickets for?" Miku asked.

"Supposedly they're having this exhibit that you have to pay to get in. I thought it would be nice to look at it together" Eren said. Miku nodded as she realize the last word he just said. 'Together!? Does that mean we're on some sort of date!?' Miku said in her head as the two got to the exhibit. They went inside and look at all the stuff, most of them being things scientist found after the destruction of Pompei. 

They stopped at what appear to be two people hugging each other but were now cover in layers of ashes. "They must've love each other to the very end" Eren said. "Would you do something like this?" Eren asked Miku as she said "If it's with the one I love, then yes." She look at Eren who turn to her as she quickly look another direction.

"Hey look, they're having one of the scientist talk to us today" Eren said as he pointed to a room where people were going and having a seat. "Want to go?" Eren asked. "Sure" Miku replied as the two of them went in and got their own seats. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present you with one our lead scientist: Hange Zoe!" a speaker said as a brown hair women came on the stage.

'Hange!?' Eren said surprised in his head. "Thank you everyone for coming!" Hange said as she stood behind the microphone. "I am one of the lead scientist who have been going through the what now remains of Pompei. But, that's not what I'm here to talk to you all about. I'm here to talk about our latest discovery" Hange said as a slide came down from the ceiling.

"We have discover: titans!" Hange said as she pressed on a controller that showed bones remains of what appear to be a tall person. The crowd was impress as Eren was shock as his jaw almost hit the floor. "Eren, are you ok?" Miku asked him as Eren shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine" he said. 'How could titans exist in this world!? In order for them to exist, Ymir should've exist in this world and many other things' Eren said in his head.

"I know what you're all thinking: this has to be fake. Well I'm afraid not. We discover these remains on the island of Madagascar not so long ago, maybe months ago. To study more on them, me and some other scientist we'll going to Madagascar in maybe a couple of months or even next year. If we do go, I'm hoping we could get some volunteers to help us study them" Hange explained as Eren suddenly felt a headache in his head.

He grabbed his head as he felt the pain and Miku turn to him worried. "Eren, are you ok!?" she ask. "Yeah, I'm fine. Excuse me" he said as he got up and left the room. "Wait a minute, stop!" Hange said as she pointed at Eren. Everyone was now looking at him as he was still being in pain from the headache. "I recognize you" Hange said. She then remember as she snap her fingers and said "Yes I remember you! You're Eren Jeager from camp Scouts! I was one of the camp councilors there, how have you been!?" 

"Um, I've been doing fine" Eren said, not knowing what she was talking about. "You were one of my favorite campers, very smart and brave. Maybe you should be one of the ones to volunteer to come to Madagascar with us" Hange said. "I'll think about it" Eren said as he left the room. Miku then soon follow but before she left, Hange also stopped her. "Excuse me miss, can you tell Eren that sign up sheets are at the entrance of the museum."

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