Following the noise, the group found that a nearby conveyor belt had been turned on, it's path coming from a part of the place where the lights had been completely destroyed instead of flickering.

They watched in shock as the prone body of a man dressed up identical to them was taken from the darkness and into view.

"Fred" One of them muttered in horror.

The transportation device stopped so that Fred's unconscious body was directly in front of the group, and one of the guards couldn't help but let out a hopeless laugh.

"You think this is funny?!" A second guard beside the laughing one grabbed him by the collar, anger and fear present in her voice.

"N-No it's just....kinda reminds me of the old times I guess" He said shakily, his voice a mixture of a chuckle and pure scared.

At those words, the guards felt a heavy, invisible weight press down on them. A pressure that caused a few of them to look around in a panic.

"I already told you guys it's not him. You all need to calm do"- As the lackey from before tried to once again reassure the group, a faint flicker of light revealed a figure behind him.

Before he could finish his speech, a hand was wrapped around his mouth and he was yanked into the darkness of the room, causing the everyone else to suddenly turn to where he was at cut-off of his voice.

"We need to go" One of the guards simply said, his voice resolute as if he'd already made up his mind.

"Go?! Are you serious?! Do you want to end up in the basement? Freeze is the best boss I've worked under but we'll be thrown down there instantly if we run away"

Some of the lackeys looked around at each other reluctantly, or at least that was before they heard a muffled scream and they turned around to just barely see another one of them being yanked out of view.

"Alright that's it, show yourself!" Training his gun in front of him, directly where the last guard had been taken away, the lackey yelled defiantly.

For a few seconds nothing happened, then the lights faintly flickered to life, showing a decently bloody you standing there.

As the man's gun fired, you took a step back into the shroud and, a second later, came out from the dark space to the left of the man.

Grabbing his gun and lifting it up so it only hit the ceiling, your knee collided with the lackey's gut. Then, in a swift motion, you yanked him into the black, disappearing just before the rest of the men could see that their bullets hit you.


Before he could finish, the screaming guard was interrupted by you lunging at him from a completely different part of the room.

Stomping him into the ground and rolling, your gun was drawn and during the process you shot the legs of two guards.

Ducking under the swing of a baton of one of them, you ducked behind him and put your gun up to the side of the man's head while maintaining an almost supernatural grip on his shoulder.

However, instead you felt an urge to move and followed said urge, avoiding a two fatal shots to the back and turning it into two that pierced your shoulder.

Letting out a grunt, you pushed the man forward while shooting at the sender of the previous bullets to cover yourself. Due to the distractions, when a second later the rest got ready to open fire you were gone.

"Come out!" A guard warned, eyes scanning the ground where new traces of blood were present due to your new wound.

Motioning with a flick of his head to the others, he carefully stepped forward, following the trail.

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