"Violet please tell your thick-headed sister not to charge into situations without thinking," Mako glares at Korra.

"Guys be quiet!" Asami shouts at the two of them.

Violet sighs as she pushes the two apart. Their attention is brought to the red chest after it rattles again, Mako walks up and bends down. He opens the lid and Prince Wu pops up, shouting and flailing.

"Wu!" Mako grabs the distraught Wu "Wu, it's me."

"Mako?" Wu looks confused "Where am I? Am I dead?"

"No, you're on a train." Mako tells him "We're gonna get you out of here."

The train car door is opened by two men, one of the men fires metal bands at Korra, but she easily deflects them. In turn, she creates a tornado of air and sends it flying at the pair of attackers. It causes them to hit the ceiling and fall to the ground. 

More attackers come running from the train car in front and in the back. Korra metalbends the front door shut, blocking an attacker. She rips apart the ceiling, exposing a cloudy blue sky. 

"Everyone out." Korra instructs.

Mako put his hands together midair for Violet to jump off of and out through the hole. Violet hangs upside down and grabs onto Asami's arms to help her out.

"I'm not going up there!" Wu shouts looking terrifed

Violet looked at her sister who had an annoyed look on her face. Violet then sat upright with her legs on top of the train, Wu then came shooting out of the hole from an air blast. Korra and Mako getting themselves out easily.

The group runs to the end of the train. Violet, Asami, and Korra make it over fine, but Mako has to pass Wu over to Korra before finally getting over himself with Violet grabbing his arm for support. Two more attackers bust through the door and see the prince getting away. They shoot metal cables to the roof, flinging themselves up to the group.

Mako attempts to get rid of them but is tripped by a metal cable shot to his foot. The attacker shoots a cable at Korra, who wraps it around her arm. Even more attackers arrive on the roof. Asami quickly defends herself by kicking an attacker's punch out of the way and shocking him with her glove, flinging him back. 

Another assailant adjacent from Violet begins to metal bend the roof, curling it in on her. Violet uses air bending to shoot herself up before using it to knock him off the train.

On the opposite side of the train car, Mako kicks up from the ground and at the same sends fire from his foot, which forces the attacker that had Korra's arm, back. Mako punches at him and the attacker does a backhand spring onto the train car behind him. He metalbends the roof up, too, just like on the other side. 

Mako steps backward as his footing is being taken away. Mako, Wu, Asami, and Korra all move in together as the roof is being peeled up.

"Violet!" Korra shouts

Violet knocks one of their assailants off the train as the other goes to stop her. Violet's eyes turn red as she uses fire to heat the metal below them, the man shouts as his feet start burning from the hot metal and also falls off the train.

"That looked like it hurt," Mako cringed.

Violet's eyes went back to normal as she jumped to the group "Let's get out of here."

Korra nods before bending a sphere of air around the group, before leaping from the train. The shell hits the ground to the side of a bridge. The team grunts as they roll to a stop on the dusty ground. The train continues its pace toward the Earth Empire.

Asami and Mako stand up, while Violet, Korra, and Wu remain sitting on the ground. Mako walks over and holds his hand out to Violet.

"You alright?" Mako asks

"Yeah, fine," Violet catches her breath as she takes Mako's hand.

He helps her to her feet before walking over to Wu and helped him up.

Wu gleefully embraces Mako "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are definitely getting a raise, Buddy."

"You should be thanking the girls," Mako gestured to Korra and Violet as the two stood beside each other. "We never would have found you without them."

Wu walks over and bows to them "I owe you my life, Avatar, Guardian. If only there was some way to repay you. Oh, I know." Wu takes Violet's hand "How about I take you out for a night on the town? Both of you?"

"Hey!" Mako walks over and hits Wu over the head. "Knock it off."

Violet hid a laugh as she wrapped her arms around Mako's arm, laying her head against his shoulder. Mako smiles to her as Asami joins the group.

"Not exactly what I imagined for our first day back together." Korra says.

"But it was kind of like old times." Asami puts her hand on her hip "Except for the getting on each other's nerves part."

"No, no that sounds about accurate." Violet says and Korra laughs.

"I'm sorry things got so tense earlier." Korra apologizes.

"It's all right." Asami sighs before smiling "I guess after being apart for three years, there's bound to be a bit of an adjustment period."

"Yeah, but it's great to have you back." Mako agrees as he laid his head against Violet's "Both of you."

The four friends hug each other, and Wu walks over ready to join in, too. However, Korra sticks her hand out and holds the prince at bay with a hand to his cheek. Unable to come closer, Wu places his hands on Mako's shoulders, while the four friends share a close embrace.

They break apart and form a circle, Wu included this time.

"So, what are we gonna do with him?" Korra asks gesturing to Wu "It's too dangerous to take him back to the hotel."

"Whoo! You're telling me! I need a cushy safe house somewhere?" Wu questions

"I think I know just the place." Mako says.

The group began to follow Mako as Violet turned to her sister.

"Glad to see you again, sis." Violet smiles, holding one of her hands out to Korra.

Korra smiles and takes her little sister's hand "There's no place else I'd rather be."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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