Chapter 22

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At police headquarters. Mako looks sadly at a picture of him and Korra as Asami and Violet enters.

Asami looks worried "Is it true?"

"I'm so sorry. Your entire shipment was stolen." Mako stands up and walks toward them

"Without that sale, I don't know how much longer I can keep my company going. What am I gonna do?" Asami covers her face

"We'll find who's responsible Asami" Violet puts her hand on her shoulder comfortingly

"Chief Beifong is about to question the captain of the ship" Mako pushes the button of the intercom.

Lin: I know it's been a long day, but walk me through what happened.

Captain: We were ambushed about thirty klicks outside the harbor. We never heard them coming.

Lin: This is the third attack this week at about the same location.

Lu: Yep, and smack-dab in Republic City's jurisdiction, which means another problem for us.

Gang: It's gotta be Northern Water Tribe. They're trying to stop supply lines to the South.

Lin: I agree. Is there anything else about the attack you remember? Anything unusual?

Captain: There is one thing. The bombs exploded in a way I've never seen before. They didn't have fuses. It was like they were being detonated remotely.

Mako looks at Violet "Like the bombs at the cultural center, come on Vi" he walks away with Violet looking confused but following him.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Asami asks

"I gotta grab some evidence" Mako exits the room with Violet as Varrick enters.

The two approach Lin

"Chief, I think there's a link between this attack and the attack at the cultural center" Mako tells her

"What do you think you're doing?" Lin asks

"Solving this case" Mako pulls out a remote and shows the captain "Did any of the people who attacked you have one of these in their hand? I think it's a remote detonator."

"It was too dark to see anything." The captain replies

"Mako!" Lin looks annoyed

"Chief, I don't think the people who attacked were Northern Water Tribe." Mako tells her

"Of course they were Northern Water Tribe. They were waterbending." Gang, a police officer tells him

Violet took out a picture " Was this one of the guys who attacked?"

"No, I don't recognize him" the captain replies.

Mako and Violet look at each other.

Gang laughs "Oh, that's embarrassing"

"Mako, Guardian" Lin points out "now'

Varrick enters the room with Asami "Great work, everybody. Another open and shut case for the dynamic mustachioed duo!"

" Wait, I think Mako might be onto something" Asami chimes in

"Chief, I know it's a long shot, but I have an idea how we can catch these guys." Mako says

"Yeah, let's all listen to the rookie." Lu agrees sarcastically

"He's doing a better job than you!" Violet snaps at him

"Easy Vi" Mako puts his hands on her shoulders

Lin snaps "Enough! I don't want to hear your lame-brained rookie ideas. You're a beat cop, not a detective. Now hit the street and do your job!"

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