Chapter 20

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In the Southern Water Tribe, outside of Tonraq and Senna's house, Korra's parents are being loaded into a prison truck. Korra and her parents exchange worried gazes.

Korra turns to Unalaq "You're making a mistake"

The prison truck leaves.

"I wish it hadn't come to this. But your parents held meeting with the rebels, right here in their home" Unalaq says

"I can't believe you're doing this to your own family" Korra replies in disbelief

"Rest assured, I've appointed Judge Hotah to oversee the trial. He is the most fair and honorable man I know" Unalaq assures her

"Uncle, my parents had nothing to do with the.. men who attacked you" Korra tells him

"I'm sure you're right. So we should have nothing to worry about" Unalaq replies before walking off

"I didn't mean for this to happen" Korra hears behind her

Korra turns to see Violet standing there.

"...I know" Korra says before walking over to her "You shouldn't have done that, Violet. I'm disappointed in you, we're supposed to remain neutral and what you did is not worthy of the Guardian name, and I know you know that"

Korra walks inside the house and Violet looks down. The trial took place inside the Southern Water Tribe palace, in the courtroom. The rebels and the sister's parents will stand trial. Korra and Mako sat next to each other looking worried as Bolin sits next to Asami. Violet walks in and sits away from the group.

"This trial will now come to order! Judge Hotah presiding"

Hotah was a serious-looking old man, settling into the judge's chair at the center of the dais.

"I was asleep in my chambers when the rebels attacked" Unalaq began "They overpowered me, and the next thing I remember was waking up in the snow after Avatar Korra had saved me"


"According to Unalaq's testimony, you attended a meeting where Varrick tried to incite a civil war. Is that true?" Hotah asks

"Yes." Korra replies

"And where these men present at that meeting?" Hotah asks

Korra nods "Well, yes, but -"

"And where exactly did this meeting take place?" Hotah questions

"Objection!" Bolin shouts

"Quiet down out there!" Hotah shouts before looking at Korra "I'll ask you one more time. Where did the meeting happen?"

"My parents' house" Korra replies sadly

"And who led this meeting?" Hotah asks

"Your honor, if I may?" Bolin stands up

"May what?" Hotah glares at him

"May I ... declare a mistrial?" Bolin says questionably

"Sit down!" Bolin sits and Hotah looks at Korra "Varrick and your father led the meeting, didn't they?"

"My parents are innocent! It was Varrick and my stupid little sister!" Korra blurted out before covering her mouth

"Korra!" Her father shouts

"I've heard all I need to. I'll return shortly with my decision" Hotah stands up and walks out

"Vi" Korra looks at her "I didn't mean-"

Violet stands up and attempts to leave the room but Northern soldiers block her path.

"I think it's best for you to sit back down" Unalaq tells her "after all, wouldn't you like to see the outcome"

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