Aqua Pups: Kraken Pups in the Bermuda Triangle

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(scene opens to Coral aboard the Flounder with Cap'n Turbot and Francois)

Cap'n Turbot: Thanks again for tagging along Coral!

Coral: I'm happy to tag along! So any reason you two are headed to the Bermuda Triangle?

Francois: We are going there to photograph anything that could be a major discovery to the world!

Coral: (giggles) So glad Hex is keeping Moby outta trouble, so I could come along for the trip!

Cap'n Turbot: What is she doing with him anyway?

Coral: (giggles) Oh, she talked him into a little date!

(the Flounder sails into Bermuda Triangle not even noticing bubbling water following them from underwater once they enter)

Coral: Boy, this place sure looks quite interesting!

Sound: (splash)

Coral: (alert) What was that?

Francois: No worries, Coral I am sure it was just a fishy, dolphin, or whale!

(tentacles burst out of the water without warning)

Cap'n Turbot: Gah! What are those things!

Coral: (looks closer) Hm? They look like tentacles!

(one of the tentacles moves just enough to reveal a pup paw and suction cups on it)

Coral: (gasps) It's got paws like a pup!

Francois: My word, why a great discovery!

Cap'n Turbot: Francois, we have to get outta here!

Francois: (scoffs) No way, we have quite possibly found some sort of octopus pup!

Cap'n Turbot: (confused) Octopus pup?

Female voice: (annoyed) Who are you calling an octopus pup!

(an odd looking female husky climbs onto the side of the Flounder)

Coral: (surprised) Gah! Who are you?

Female Husky: I am Flotsam, (looks closer) mer-pup in land form!

Coral: (confused) Your name is Flotsam?

Flotsam: (nods then whistles) (shouts) Honey, girls! Pull down this enemy ship!

(the Flounder gets pulled downward causing water to come aboard)

Cap'n Turbot: Gah! Whatever these are, they're pulling down the Flounder!

Flotsam: We are kraken pups, we came from another realm but it was doomed. My group got lucky when a rift opened up bringing us here a few months ago!

Coral: Wait, you're not from this world?

Flotsam: (nods) (calmly) Which of these humans said I was an octopus pup?

Francois and Cap'n Turbot: He said it!

Flotsam: Seize the humans, let the pup leave!

(tentacles suddenly seize Cap'n Turbot and Francois then swiftly pull them into the water)

Cap'n Turbot and Francois: Gah!

Coral: (gasps) Cap'n Turbot and Francois!

(another kraken pup climbs onto the sinking Flounder)

Kraken Pup: mom, we've equipped the humans with water breathing necklaces and imprisoned them!

Coral: (gasps)

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