Sea Patrol: Trouble in the Bermuda Triangle

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach where the Pups including Everest and Tracker are having fun with the genie pups while Jake and Carlos rest on the beach)

Tracker: It's so nice to have fun together guys!

Mirage: (giggles) Yep!

(everyone keeps having fun together before the scene switches to The Flounder with Cap'n Turbot and Francois bickering)

Francois: (shouts) I say we go this way!

Cap'n Turbot: (shouts) No this way!

(while bickering the cousins unknowingly enter the Bermuda Triangle before a strange fog comes outta nowhere)

Francois: Uh Horatio? Why is it so foggy all of a sudden?

Cap'n Turbot: (checks GPS before it shuts off) (gasp) Cousin! (shouts) We accidentally sailed into the Bermuda Triangle!

Francois: We have to leave right away!

(The Flounder's engine shut down)

Francois and Cap'n Turbot: (worried) Uh oh!

(scene changes to Adventure Beach)

Ryder: Go long pups! (throws a frisbee and Marshall catches it)

Marshall: (muffled) Got it!

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: Hello? Oh Cap'n Turbot, Francois, is something wrong?

Cap'n Turbot: Ryder help! We're both stranded in the Bermuda Triangle in a strange fog! (explains the other troubles)

Ryder: Don't worry you two the Sea Patrol are on our way!

(Pup-tags glow)

Ryder's voice: Paw Patrol to the beach tower!

Pups: Ryder needs us!

(run to the Beach Tower HQ)

Marshall: (trips on a beach ball and both rolls toward the others)

Chase: (shouts) Marshall...

Everest: ... (shouts) Lookout!

(pups crash)

Marshall: Sorry didn't see that beach ball

Pups: (laughs)

(enter the Beach Tower HQ and line up in front of Ryder)

Chase: Sea Patrol ready for action Captain Ryder, sir!

Ryder: Good! Since Cap'n Turbot and Francois are stranded in the Bermuda Triangle!

Pups: (confused) Uh?

Ryder: (explains what the Bermuda Triangle is and a few other things)

Zuma: (scared) Uh? Ryder by any chance could Mirage's family come?

Ryder: How come?

Zuma: You know just in case we need some extra paws!

Rubble: Plus we have no idea what's there! Besides our Cap'n Turbot and Francois of course!

Ryder: (contacts Melody and explains the pups were nervous)

Melody: Of course Ryder! We genie pups can understand since that place is kinda spooky!

(scene changes to the Sea Patroller going to the Bermuda Triangle with Melody's family and the Paw Patrol aboard)

Zuma: Thanks again for coming, Melody!

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