Mission Paw: Pups and the Missing Royal Pup

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(scene open to the Paw Patrol including Everest and Melody's family at Barkingburg castle where the princess if happy to see them)

Princess of Barkingburg: (excited) Oh goodie! I'm so happy to see you all again!

Ryder: (chuckles) we're happy to see you too princess!

Mirage: Hey mom?! Can I go with my aunts and sisters to explore?

Melody: (nods) Of course sweetie! (the five pups slowly walk off)

Princess of Barkingburg: Hey pups how about we play a game of hide and quest!

Pups and Ryder: Sounds fun!

Sweetie: No thank you! Uh? Venus might I join you ladies?

Venus: Of course! (Sweetie joins the five)

(Pups and Ryder look around for a hiding spot while Melody calmly rests near the throne)

Everest: (unsure) Where can I hide?

Melody: (pats her paw causing Everest to come toward her)

Everest: Something wrong Melody?

Melody: (whispers) I can help you hide in plain sight!

Everest: (surprised) Really?!

Melody: (nods) (brushes her own tail against Everest magically making her look exactly like Mirage)

Everest: Whoa! I ...( Melody puts her paw on Everest's mouth)

Melody: I'll just claim Mirage came back to stay with me dear! (winks)

Everest: (nods) (lies beside Melody)

Princess of Barkingburg: Ready or not, here I come! (notices Mirage) (confused) Mirage, I thought you left?

Melody: My daughter decided to stay with me dear!

Princess of Barkingburg: Okay then! (races around easily finding everyone else)

Ryder: Impressive princess but you still have to find Everest!

Princess of Barkingburg: Oh Everest! Here I come! (runs off)

Ryder: (walks over to Melody) Hey Melody have you seen Everest?

Melody: (whispers) (giggles) Mirage is Everest!

Everest: (winks to Ryder)

Ryder: (surprised) (quietly) Oh!

(scene changes to Sweetie sticking close to Mirage's family)

Hex: Such a lovely day for a walk right Sweetie?

Sweetie: To be honest I'm not a fan of the princess winning hide and quest all the time.

Mirage: (giggles) Mom telepathically told me a little trick she did to hide Everest!

Sweetie: What trick?

Mirage: (giggles) Mom used her magic to make Everest look exactly like me!

Sweetie: (surprised) Oh! How creative, hiding in plain sight!

Mirage: (nods) Yep! And said I came back to be with her which is a perfect excuse!

(while walking around peacefully nobody noticed a cloaked figure appears and stealthily kidnaps Sweetie without being noticed by the genie pups)

(scene changes to the castle where the princess is still searching for Everest)

Princess of Barkingburg: Wow! Everest is great at hiding!

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