Paw Patrol: Luke Stars Ifrit Pup Trouble

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Mason is with Blizzard, Marina, Angel, and Mirage)

Mirage: Hi guys!

Ryder and pups: Hi guys!

Marina: Just wanted to show you a new mark the elemental brawlers taught us siren pups!

Blizzard: I wanted to show the four new marks the elemental brawlers taught us ifrit pups!

Skye: (surprised) Wait, the ifrit pups can make magical marks too now?

Blizzard: (giggles) Yep! (summons icy sculptures of the four new ifrit pup marks) They're basically ifrit pup versions of the genie pups since they have member mark, curse mark, guard mark, and blessing mark!

Marina: Us siren pups have learned how to do a blessing mark too! Blizzard, could you make a sculpture of it too?

Blizzard: (giggles) Sure! (works her magic)

Pups: Wow!

Ryder: I must admit those elemental brawlers certainly teach you guys quite a few tricks!

Blizzard, Marina, and Angel: Yep!

Skye: So girls, are you staying to watch Luke Stars show today?

Blizzard: We've got somewhere else to watch, no admission required!

Mirage: Except me! Mason agreed to take me and my friend!

Chase: What friend?

Mason: I've got three tickets for the show!

Mirage: I can't wait to watch in person!

Angel: (giggles) You're just like your family, wanting to watch up close!

Marina: Let's head back girls!

(Angel, Marina, and Blizzard teleport away)

Marshall: So Mirage anything else up?

Mirage: Not much, besides Fungus going off to visit Gasket!

Pups: (surprised) What!?

Mirage: Really guys, Fungus views her as his mother figure remember?

Skye: That might be true, but his sleeping spores always give the Ruff-Ruff Pack an edge against us!

Chase: (concerned) I hope the Ruff-Ruff Pack don't try anything to ruin the concert?

Others: Us too!

(scene changes to the desert where Gasket is eagerly waiting outside)

Hubcap: Why are you so eager to see him, he hasn't been here for quite some time!

Dwayne: Don't forget Hubcap, Fungus has another place he calls home!

Sound: (motorcycle engine)

Fungus's voice: Yee-haw!

(Fungus comes  flying overhead and does a perfect landing on his fungal motorcycle)

Gasket: (happily) Fungus!

Fungus: (happily) Mom!

(both eagerly run over and hug each other)

Gasket: I missed you sweetie!

Fungus: (nuzzles Gasket) I missed you too!

Dwayne: Aww, how sweet!

Fungus: Good seeing you too, Dwayne!

Hubcap: Well since your back I've got a big idea to cause wheel trouble!

Gasket: What's the idea this time?

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