Paw Patrol: Moby's Upgraded Moby Mobile

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(scene opens to Junk Island where Moby, Aqua, and McSquidly are busy relaxing together)

Moby: Not such a bad idea to relax, Aqua!

Aqua: Yep!

Moby: Say Aqua, are you interested in doing anything else?

Aqua: Are you interested in upgrading your ride?

Moby: How?

Aqua: Like adding a water filter on the outside to clean polluted water, collect and store trash in a storage vault, and why not throw in a mini mansion?

Moby: Very interesting idea? But I'm kinda sentimental about it!

Aqua: I could duplicate it?

Moby: That'll work!

(scene changes to Moby and Aqua working together inside a second Moby Mobile)

Sound: (buzzing, hammering, and vacuuming)

Moby: (crawls out) I gotta admit your magic certainly made this possible!

Aqua: Your welcome Moby, glad I could assist!

(McSquidly bring over a cape he found lying around)

Moby: (notices) McSquidly, where did you find that cape?

McSquidly: (points to where he picked it up)

Aqua: Hm?

Moby: Something up Aqua?

Aqua: That reminds me of the reflector cape I saw an alien outlaw use!

Moby: (surprised) Really?

Male voice: Hand over my cape foolish mutts and squid!

(Spellbinder walks over and takes his cape back from McSquidly)

Moby: (screams) A monster!

Aqua: Behind me guys!

Moby: (behind Aqua) Good idea, staying behind the powerful siren pup!

Spellbinder: Now prepare to be put under my control fools!

Sound: (metallic chomp)

(Spellbinder looks down finding his magic pendant had a huge bite mark taken out of it and was broken)

Aqua: (reveals the piece in her mouth) (spits it at Spellbinder) No way Spellbinder!

Spellbinder: Prepare to go down then!

Marina: (leaps out of the water and covers Spellbinder's head with her mouth)

Spellbinder: Hey! Who turned out the lights? (sniffs) Why does it smell like fish and dog food!

Aqua and Moby: Mom/Marina!

Marina: (winks to the group) (swiftly engulfs more of Spellbinder into her mouth swallowing him in the process)

Moby: Whoa!

Aqua: We are stretchy like genie pups!

Moby: Fair point!

Sound: (gulp)

(the trio look over find a stuffed Marina lying on her back)

Moby: You okay Marina?

Marina: I'm stuffed! (rubs her belly)

Sound: (muffled explosion)

Marina: (stuffed stomach reverts to normal size) That's one tasty monster!

Moby: (confused) What happened?

Marina: My digestive tract got him and he exploded in my tummy!

Aqua: So he's been sent back, you know where?

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