Paw Patrol: Chase's Tricks the Pack

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(scene opens to the Ruff-Ruff Pack who are busy throwing pies all over the Adventure Bay they're confronted by Mayor Goodway)

Mayor Goodway: (annoyed) You three better stop throwing pies this instant! (curiously) Where are you getting all these pies anyway?

Hubcap: (scoffs) Like we'd ever tell you!

Mayor Goodway: Fine then I'm calling the Paw Patrol! (uses her phone)

Gasket: (shouts) Think fast! (throws an odd pie at Mayor Goodway's face)

Mayor Goodway: (muffled) Oof! (removed pie from her face and tastes it) (gags) (disgusted) Disgusting! What kind of pie was that Gasket?

Gasket: Just a combination of pickles, anchovies, and limburger cheese!

Mayor Goodway: (spit-take) (disgusted) Who in the right mind would make a pie with that combination of food!?

Gasket: (snickers)

Ryder's voice: Don't worry Mayor Goodway, we're here to help!

(Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Rubble, and Rocky arrive)

Hubcap: (scoffs) Well if it isn't the Paw Patrol here to ruin our fun! Especially that play by the law pup, Chase! (mocking) Boy, he has no idea how to have some wheel fun like we do!

Gasket and Dwayne: Yeah!

Gasket: (secretly hiding the Mind Reader Conch under her helmet listens to Chase's thoughts)

Chase's mind: Why would he say something so hurtful like that, it really hurtful!

Gasket: (in mind) He has no idea that I've got the Mind Reader Conch! (snickers)

Hubcap: (scoffs) I bet if you were even part of the Ruff-Ruff Pack you'd still ruin our fun and you could never be a truly loyal member!

Gasket: (secretly winks to Hubcap confirming his mocking was bruising Chase's ego)

Hubcap: You Paw Patrol pups will never stop us!

(the trio rides off being pursued by the Paw Patrol while Marshall and Rubble are currently on both sides of Gasket)

Marshall: (calmly) Okay Gasket, please pull over!

Gasket: No way Marshall, you can't stop me! (uses the hidden Mind Reader Conch to read their minds)

Marshall: (barks) Water cannon!

Rubble: (barks) Crane!

(Gasket slows down which results in Marshall spraying Rubble with his water cannon and Rubble's crane grabbing Marshall's fire truck ladder)

Rubble and Marshall: (surprised) Hey!?

Gasket: (speeds past) Later boys, guess I'm just too smart of you! (laughs)

Rubble and Marshall: (surprised) How'd she know what we were gonna do next?

(scene changes to City Hall where the whole Paw Patrol is helping with the pie clean up)

Chase: I can't believe Hubcap would say all that about me!

Marshall: (to Ryder) Ryder, it was like Gasket read our minds since she knew exactly how to avoid my water cannon!

Rubble: And my crane!

Rubble and Marshall: We kinda got each other instead of Gasket!

Ryder: (pets both of them) That's okay guys, you did your best that's all I can ask you to do!

Skye: (walks over) Say guys, didn't Mason about some magic conch that could read minds?

Marshall: You mean the Mind Reader Conch he told us about?

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