Aqua Pups: Ruff-Ruff Pack in Puplantis

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(scene opens to the Ruff-Ruff Pack parking along the beach outside Adventure Bay)

Hubcap: I can't believe those Moto Pups ruined your plan!

Gasket: (annoyed) Oh so when it fails it's my plan!

Hubcap: Yes!

Hubcap and Gasket: (growls at each other while Dwayne walks toward the water)

(scene switches to Moby and McSquidly swim toward the beach)

Moby: I can't believe those Aqua Pups ruined another one of my great plans and now I'm a Mer-Pup again!

Dwayne: (shouts) Hey guys I think I see a pup out there!

Gasket: Let me see this! (walks over notice a pup beside squid)

Gasket: Strange that pup's right beside what looks like a squid?

Dwayne: Yeah! (shouts) Hey out there are you okay?

Moby: Huh? (notices a trio of pups on the beach) Let's check it out McSquidly!

(both swim toward the beach)

Dwayne: Hello! Who are you?

Moby: The name is Moby and this is McSquidly!

McSquidly: (waves hello)

Moby: So who are you pups? You're not with that boy and his team of pups are you?

Gasket: Huh? Are you talking about Ryder and the Paw Patrol?

Moby: Yes! Are you with them?

Hubcap: (walks over) No way! We're the Ruff-Ruff Pack toughest biker around!

Gasket: Says you!

Moby: (chuckles) Good one!

Gasket: (chuckles) Thanks Moby! My name Gasket, that's Dwayne, and the little guys Hubcap!

Hubcap: Hey!

Gasket: What are you doing in the water anyway?

Moby: (reveals fish tail) This is why!

Dwayne: (shouts) He is a dogfish!

Moby: (confused) Uh? Let me guess you three never heard of Mer-Pups?

Gasket: Nope!

Hubcap: Never heard of them!

Dwayne: So you're not a dogfish?

Moby: (facepalms himself) No!

Dwayne: Okay!

Gasket: Where are you from anyway?

Moby: Puplanits!

Hubcap: You know we could cause some wheel trouble somewhere we have never been!

Gasket: You do realize the three of us don't even know where it is!

Moby: I do! And maybe we could make a deal?!

Hubcap: What kind of deal?

Moby: Oh! I just need one of you land pups to give me a paw bump?

Gasket: Huh? Why?

Moby: Let's just say those pups named Zuma and Rocky showed me a little trick.

Gasket: (walks into the water) Fine! (paw bumps with Moby)

Moby: (shouts) Yes! (magically turns into a land pup) Yay! I'm a land pup!

Ruff-Ruff Pack: Whoa!

Moby: Plus my gear is back!

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