Paw Patrol: Gasket's Colony

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(scene opens to the Paw Patroller heading toward the jungle with Everest and Mirage along for the ride while nobody except Mirage knows about two biker pups following them)

Sandy: So Gasket, what exactly are we doing again?

Gasket: (shrugs) Thought we might follow those pups, and maybe later cause some wheel trouble!

Sandy: Too bad that Dwayne and Hubcap caught colds and had to stay back at the hideout!

Gasket: It's too bad Dwayne had to stay, but not so bad that Hubcap's outta the way!

Sandy: True, but are you sure they'll be okay on their own?

Gasket: I asked a friend of ours if she could take care of them!

Sandy: (curiously) Who'd you ask?

(scene changes to Hubcap and Dwayne in their hideout while Melody who is wearing an apron is watching over them)

Hubcap: This is humiliating! (sneezes) Achoo!

Melody: (summon a tissue for Hubcap) Bless you!

Hubcap: (coughs) Whatever!

Dwayne: (coughs) Thank you for doing this Melody!

Melody: Your welcome dear, Gasket asked if I could take care of you both until she and Sandy come back!

Hubcap: The Ruff-Ruff Pack needs nobody to take care of them!

Melody: (exhales a sleeping mist) You need your rest Hubcap! No trouble making for either of you until you both fully recover!

Dwayne: Thank you Melody! Mirage is very lucky to call you her mom and the same goes for Hex and Elastica!

Melody: (pets Dwayne's head) (smiles) Take it easy dear, you should get your rest too! (gently summons cozy blankets for both of them) That should keep you both cozy!

Dwayne: Thank you! (falls asleep)

Melody: (to self) I wonder how the girls are doing in the jungle?

(scene changes to Gasket and Sandy scared off their bikes by a large snake before it slithers closer to them)

Sandy: (scared) What are we gonna do?

Gasket: (scared) I'm not sure! But I think we're snake food!

Snake: (slithers closer hissing at both pups)

Gasket and Sandy: (scared whimpering) Can't someone save us!

Sound: (tiger roar)

Gasket: Oh no, now a tiger!

(a familiar face wearing a tiger suit leaps down between the pups and snake)

Sandy and Gasket: (gasps) That's no tiger it's...

(tiger suit wearer reveals to be Mason)

Mason: ...Mason!

Snake: (hisses at Mason)

Mason: Oh yeah!? How about this! (loud tiger roar)

Snake: (eyes widen) (fearfully slithers away)

Gasket and Sandy: (passionately hug Mason) (thankfully) Thank you for saving us Mason!

Mason: I told that snake if he tries to harm you girls again, I'd end him with my bare tiger claws!

Gasket: (nuzzles Mason) Thank you for saving both of us!

Sandy: (nuzzling Mason) Yeah! Thank you!

Mason: (pets both pups) What are you girls doing down here anyway?

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