Ultimate Rescue: Pups save a Snowbound Town

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(scene opens to the evening outside the Lookout where Everest is eagerly playing with her pup friends)

Everest: (giggles) I'm so happy to come over for a visit you guys!

Marshall: It's so great seeing you any day, Everest!

Everest: (smiles) That's so sweet Marshall!

Ryder: (walks over) Everest, Jake just called! He wanted me to let you know it was time to head home!

Everest: (pouts) Aww, we were having fun!

Ryder: I know, but the weather report said a nasty blizzard is gonna happen tonight!

Everest: (nods understandingly) I understand Ryder! (looks at pups) It was great having fun guys!

Pups: We'll miss you Everest!

Everest: (nods) I'll miss you all too! Hope we get to see each other really soon!

Marshall: That'd be really great!

Everest: (smiles) It sure would! (waves as she drives off in her snowcat)

Skye: See you later bestie!

Everest: You too!

Skye and Everest: (giggles)

(scene changes to several minute later when Everest arrives on the mountain trail but it's a big blizzard and hard to see since it's gotten darker)

Everest: (worried) Uh oh, this is troubling! How can I find my way home to Jake with all this snow? Plus it's getting dark with these dark clouds? (looks back and forth) (unsure) Hm?

Snowball's voice: Need a hand?

Everest: (looks over finding Snowball with Mason) Snowball, Mason! What are you two doing here in a blizzard?

Mason and Snowball: Out for a stroll!

Everest: (shivers) Sorry guys, but I need to get home to Jake before I become a pup-sicle!

Snowball: I believe I know someone who can light the way!

Mason: (reveals a Paw Ultimatrix before turning into Heatblast)

Everest: Ooh!

Snowball: I'll ride with you while Mason as Heatblast can light the way!

Heatblast: (nods)

Everest: Could we share body heat?

Snowball: (nods) I'd be happy to, since my fur and body can handle anything

Everest: (shivers) Very lucky!

Snowball: (hugs Everest to share her body heat)

Everest: (thankful) Thank you Snowball!

Heatblast: Follow me pups! (leads the way)

(scene changes to Jake's chalet where he is outside looking for Everest)

Jake: (worried) I hope Everest didn't get caught in this blizzard! (concerned) I hope my dear pup didn't freeze and become a pup-sicle!?

Everest's voice: Jake!

Jake: (eyes widen) (looks around) Everest, where are you girl!?

(Heatblast, Snowball, and Everest arrive)

Jake: (happily) Everest!

Everest: (happily) Jake!

(both happily hug each other)

(Heatblast changes into Arctiguana)

Arctiguana: How sweet!

Snowball: (smiles) I agree with you on that Mason!

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