Paw Patrol: Return of the Time Portal

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where the Paw Patrol including Everest, Tracker, and Carlos have tagged along for a visit)

Carlos: Wow! It's quite nice to be in Barkingburg!

Everest: (chuckles) It's nice you could come too, Carlos!

Tracker: I'm happy you could join us, Carlos!

Carlos: (chuckles) Me too Tracker, me too!

(the group arrives at the castle where the princess happily welcomes them)

Princess of Barkingburg: Welcome back, Paw Patrol and friends!

Mirage and Mason: (appear before walking over) Hi guys!

Ryder: Hi guys, we didn't expect to see you today!

Mirage: (chuckles) We do quite well with that!

Mason: Yep!

Princess of Barkingburg: Say Mason, any chance you could show us those magical objects that you called Shen Gong Wu?

Mason: (chuckles) Sure! (removes the Sword of the Storm, Hodoku Mouse, Golden Tiger Claws, and Zing Zom-Bone)

Everest: Ooh! What's that one Mason? (points at the Zing Zom-Bone)

Mason: That's the Zing Zom-Bone! Has something to do about turning anyone this wish in range into a mindless yet obedient zombie, but it can be reversed by the user at any time!

Everest: Whoa!

Mirage: Lucky for us magic pups the elemental brawlers tweaked us so it's useless on us!

Mason: Anyone wish to demonstrate?

Others: (unsure) Um?

Mason: (nods) I understand!

Claw: (leaps forward) Ah ha! (grabs the Hodoku Mouse) I've got it duke! (quickly races off)

Everyone: (surprised) Claw!

Mason: (curiously) Why did he take the one to undo mistakes?

Mirage: (shocked gasps)

Everest: (concerned) Mirage, what's wrong?

Mirage: The duke plans to recreate the genie pup's old time portal!

All but princess, Everest, Tracker, and Carlos: (shocked) The time portal!

Marshall: (confused) Wait, how did you know about it Mason!

Mason: I might've used something that enables time travel to go back and get to know about the genie pups in the early time but Melody wiped their memories each time while my associates erased my alterations of past events!

Everest: (confused) Wait, what's this about a time portal?

Tracker: (confused) Si?

Mason: (collects the other Shen Gong Wu) Just to avoid them being taken as well!

Mirage: (explains what she knows about the time portal and its destruction)

Everest: Whoa! Wait, if it's been destroyed then why would Claw take something that can undo mistakes?

Mason: It would undo the mistake of the time portal's destruction!

Mirage: Ryder, we need to stop them!

Ryder: (nods) Agreed!

Princess of Barkingburg: Pardon me Ryder, but mind if I tag along?

Ryder: Princess it could be dangerous!

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