Sea Patrol: Captain Katie

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach where the Paw Patrol including Everest are having fun play or on lifeguard duty)

Everest: It's such a great day to be at the back right Jake?

Jake: (chuckles) it sure is Everest, it sure is! (relaxes on his beach towel)

(Mason walks past with Mirage's whole family)

Mason: Pardon us, coming through!

Katie: (walks over) Hi Mason, pups!

Mason: Good to see you too, Katie!

Katie: Say have you seen Ryder?

Mason: (shrugs) We've got no idea, plus we just go here!

Katie: (embarrassed) (chuckles) Sorry, I didn't know!

Mason: That's okay!

Mirage: My family's happy to see you too, Katie!

Katie: (pets Mirage) It's nice to see all you adorable genie pups too!

Mirage: (looks behind Katie) Say is that Ryder out there? (points)

Katie: (looks that way) Oh it is him! (giggles) Looks like he's surfing!

(Ryder comes in for a break from surfing)

Ryder: Hi Katie, how are you?

Katie: (giggles) I'm alright Ryder, so what were you doing out there surfing?

Ryder: (chuckles) Just having a little surfing fun, while the pups are helping to keep an eye on the beach!

(scene changes to Ryder resuming his fun surfing while Katie watches while holding onto his Pup-pad)

Katie: Great surfing Ryder!

Marina: (floats past on her back enjoying herself until the wave Ryder is on sends her flying and she lands on her chest in the water a few yards away) Oof! (rubs her chest) (annoyed) Pesky wave! (notices Ryder) Ryder surfing? (has an idea how to have a little fun) (dives underwater)

Ryder: (concerned) I hope Marina's okay, after she got tossed by this wave?

(a large sperm whale leaps out of the water with an open mouth as Ryder heads towards it)

Ryder: (eyes widen) Uh oh!

(Ryder is sent into the sperm whale's mouth)

Sound: (gulp)

(scene changes to the beach with a shocked Katie)

Katie: (witnessed what just happened) (shocked gasps) Ryder just got swallowed by a whale! (confidently) If I was able to lead once, I can do it again! (contacts the pups using Ryder's Pup-pad) Sea Patrol, to Beach Tower!

Pups: Ryder needs us!

(Marshall and Everest run toward the beach tower)

Everest: Say Marshall?

Marshall: Yes Everest?

Everest: Didn't it sound like Katie's voice instead of Ryder?

Marshall: Hm... now that you mention it?

Zuma's voice: (shouts) Dudes, lookout for Mirage!

Marshall and Everest: (confused) Huh? (looks forward to finding Mirage lying down with her eyes closed) (eyes widen) Uh oh!

(both crash into Mirage who doesn't budge an inch while Everest and Marshall go flying toward the others Beach Tower HQ

Mirage: (opens one of her eyes then closes it) (quietly giggles)

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