Paw Patrol: Barkingburg's Halloween Festival

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(scene opens to the Mission Cruiser driving toward Barkingburg castle with Everest, Tracker, Ginger, and Mirage along for the ride)

Ginger: (excited) I'm so eager to see Barkingburg!

Everest: It's an interesting place to visit Ginger!

Tracker: Si, and it's nice you could come with us amiga!

Ginger: (confused) Um?

Tracker: (explains what he said in Spanish)

Ginger: (embarrassed) Oh, okay then!

Tracker: That's okay Ginger, Spanish can prove tricky to understand at first!

Ginger: (nods)

Chase: (sneezes) Sorry, cat allergies! (sneezes)

Marshall: (confused) Wait a second, there are no cats here?

Sound: (cat meow)

(group looks over to see Rory in Mirage's seat)

Skye: (surprised) Rory, where'd you come from?

Rory: (giggles) (Mirage's voice) It's just me!

Pups: (chuckles) Oh Mirage, just one of your magical jokes!

(Rory changes back into Mirage)

Mirage: (giggles) I was just having fun!

Ginger: You always enjoy a chance to have a little fun don't you?

Mirage: Yep!

Everest: I just hope nothing happens like the last time we visited Tracker!

Tracker: Si, that Duke of Flappington was very troublesome when he had that levitation gem!

Ginger: Wait? What's this leviathan gem?

Pups: (giggles)

Ginger: (confused) What'd I say?

Rocky: Ginger, it's levitation not leviathan!

Ginger: (blushes) Oops!

Rocky: (hugs her) No worries, those two words have some similarities!

(the Mission Cruiser arrives outside the castle where the princess welcomes them)

Princess of Barkingburg: Paw Patrol, I'm so delighted you could come to Barkingburg's halloween festival!

Everest: It sounds fun!

Tracker: Si!

Princess of Barkingburg: I'm so glad you two could come along with a few others! (notices Ginger) I guess you must be Ginger?

Ginger: (bows) It's nice to meet you princess!

Princess of Barkingburg: Aww, you are so adorable! (pets her)

Ginger: (smiles after the princess pets her)

Princess of Barkingburg: (smiles when she sees Mirage) Mirage, how are you?

Mirage: Oh, just having fun with my buddies! (looks at the moat) Ooh, somewhere to swim! (runs toward the moat) (shouts) Cannonball!

(everyone runs over)

Princess of Barkingburg: Mirage, what are you doing?

Mirage: (swims past on her back) Just having a nice cold dip in the moat!

(bubbles appear around Mirage)

Chase: Princess it looks like something might be in the moat?

Princess of Barkingburg: Mirage, I suggest you exit the moat please!

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