Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Arkeyan King Squid Moby

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(scene opens to Moby and McSquidly having a peaceful talk with Aqua on Junk Island)

Aqua: So Moby, got any plans for today?

Moby: Not really? How about you Aqua?

Aqua: (shrugs) Not really? Say, how about I give you a siren pup blessing mark?

Moby: Will that hurt?

Aqua: (giggles) No silly, everything will be just fine!

Moby: Can we make it temporary?

Aqua: Sure! (places her paw on Moby shoulder before a siren pup blessing mark appears on it)

Moby: (notices) Whoa!

Sound: (loud splash)

Moby and Aqua: (surprised) What was that?

(both pups notice water bubbling)

Moby: Something's in the water!

Aqua: Let's check it out!

Moby: Yeah! Come along McSquidly!

McSquildy: (claps)

(the trio submerge into the water together)

(scene changes to the trio approaching the source of the splash)

Moby: (notices a giant metal hand lying on the ocean floor) Whoa! What is that thing?

Aqua: (gasps) How did that get here?

Moby: (confused) You know what that thing is?

Aqua: (nods) It's called the Iron Fist of Arkus!

Moby: Question, how do you know that?

Aqua: Mason showed me and mom a duplicate of it in one of the elemental brawlers museums!

Moby: Oh! Just curious, but can it do?

Aqua: (tells the story of the Iron Fist of Arkus to Moby and McSquidly)

Moby: Whoa! That's some story!

Aqua: Yep! (sniffs the Iron Fist of Arkus) Ooh!

Moby: Something wrong?

Aqua: This is just a duplicate of the real one, but it's got the same powers!

Moby: I wonder what it looks like inside?

Aqua: Careful Moby!

Moby: No worries, Aqua!

McSquidly: (bumps into Moby and both tumble into the Iron Fist of Arkus)

Aqua: (worried) Uh oh! I home my blessing keeps them safe?

(the Iron Fist of Arkus works its magic transforming Moby and McSquidly into a large arkeyan fusion of themselves)

(show looms over Aqua)

Aqua: (jaw drops) Whoa!

Moby's voice: (laughs) I feel so powerful with this giant body!

(scene moves over revealing an Arkeyan robot with Moby's head and McSquidly's tentacles on its back along with his face on the chest)

Moby: McSquidly, we've been fused together into a powerful robot!

McSquidly: (claps their hands)

Moby: (surprised) Wait, you've got as much control as me?

McSquidly: (agreement sound)

Moby: I wonder?

(their arkeyan robot legs convert into squid tentacles)

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