Paw Patrol: Pups and the Shaved Husky

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(scene opens to the Ruff-Ruff Pack causing trouble in Adventure Bay as they race past Mason and Mirage who watch from in front of City Hall)

Ruff-Ruff Pack: (shouts) Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Gasket: Haha! Watch me do a cool trick! (tricks a stunt but isn't watching where her motorcycles going)

(Gasket's motorcycle is driving toward a pot hole in the road before she is catapult off her ride and crashes on Mason and Mirage)

Mason, Gasket, Mirage: Oof!

Gasket: I'm okay!

Mason and Mirage: Us too!

(Hubcap and Dwayne park nearby before Hubcap notices the spill items from Mason's satchel)

Hubcap: (notices a silent electric hair razor among the items) Hm? (secretly snatches it without anyone knowing)

Mirage: You okay Gasket?

Gasket: I'm okay! Just need to practice that trick!

Sound: (Police sirens and helicopter rotors)

Gasket: (notices the Paw Patrol coming) Guys we gotta go!

Dwayne: (curious) Why?

Gasket: (points) Them!

Hubcap: Yeah! Let's get outta here!

(Ruff-Ruff Pack rides away while Paw Patrol stops near Mason and Mirage)

Ryder: You guys okay?

Mason: we're alright! Let's just say Gasket got catapulted off her motorcycle and we were the unintended landing pad.

Chase: (walks over) (sniffs around) I think Hubcap was over here!

Mason: Wonder what he wanted? (begins collecting the items before noticing one is gone) Huh?

Chase: Something wrong Mason?

Mason: Nothing too important, but my electric hair razor is gone.

Chase: I bet Hubcap must've taken it!

Mirage: why would a pup need a hair razor?

Ryder: Is there anything special about that electric hair razor, Mason?

Mason: It's silent but that's the only special thing about it!

Skye: I don't see them causing too much trouble with a little razor!

Ryder: True! And they're out of Adventure Bay!

(scene switches to the Ruff-Ruff Pack's hideout where Hubcap is complaining about how the Paw Patrol ruined their wheel good fun)

Gasket: Yeah! Those pups ruined another chance to cause some wheel good trouble!

Dwayne: It was nice seeing Mirage though!

Gasket: (nods) True! It was nice to see her again!

(scene changes to later at night Dwayne is asleep in his uniform while Gasket decided to take her gear off to get comfortable)

Hubcap: (walks toward the sleeping Gasket) This is gonna be wheel funny! (turns on razor and uses his gripper claw to hold it) (quietly) Hehe!

(scene changes to earlier morning when the trio begin to wake up)

Gasket: (yawns) (tired) Sure is chilly this morning!

Dwayne: (wakes up seeing Gasket) (gasp)

Gasket: (confused) What's wrong with you Dwayne?

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