Paw Patrol: The Ifrit Pup Creation Scroll

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(scene opens to Mason playing with Mirage and Frostbite on Adventure Beach while Marshall and Everest are on lifeguard duty)

Frostbite: (begging eyes) Throw it again, please?

Mirage: (begging eyes) Pretty, please!

Mason: (chuckles) Sure thing girls! (throws a frisbee which they both eagerly race after)

Marshall: Boy that frisbee sure looks tempting!

Everest: (nods) Yeah! But we're on duty and we must resist the urge to fetch!

Marshall: It's hard to resist that urge!

Everest: Yeah!

Marshall and Everest: (smile and laugh at what they said)

Mirage: I got it! (leaps up grabbing the frisbee before landing on Frostbite)

Mirage and Frostbite: Oof!

Mason: You two okay?

Mirage and Frostbite: We're good!

Frostbite: (feels something else touching her) (confused) Huh?

Mirage: (concerned) Something wrong, Frostbite?

Frostbite: I feel something pressing against my tummy!

(both get up to find an old bottle buried in the sand)

Mirage: (whistles) Mason, we found something!

Mason: (runs over finding the bottle) An old bottle?

Frostbite: Maybe there's a treasure map inside!

Rocky and Rubble: (walk over) Did someone say treasure map?

Mirage: We're not sure yet!

Mason: (removes the cork from the old bottle) Let's see what's inside! (tilts the bottle before a sheet of pups slides out)

Frostbite: (curiously) So is it a treasure map?

Mason: (looks like an old scroll) (sniffs it) Smells like it came from a different universe! (sniffs Frostbite)

Frostbite: (confused) Mason?

Mason: Sorry about that Frostbite, but now I know it has the scent of ifrit pup on it!

Rubble: Wow, you must have a good sense of smell!

Mason: I have my moments like you pups!

Mirage: So what's on the paper?

Mason: Actually it's a scroll!

Rocky: What's on it Mason?

Mason: (opens the scroll) It says here Ifrit Pup Creation Recipe!

Frostbite: (surprised) Wait, a recipe for making ifrit pups?

Mason: (calmly) Don't all ifrit pups have powers of nature?

Frostbite: (nods) Fair point! Mom found a way for all five of us to temporarily transfer our unique powers to each other!

Mirage: So that's how you thawed those three outta the ice!

Frostbite: Yep! Inferno magically loaned me and mom his fiery powers to melt the ice!

Rocky: So Mason, what does it say to create an ifrit pup?

Mason: It says here you need fur of a pup, wax of an ifrit pup candle, sample of natural element, and the presence of a source or user of magic!

Rubble: Whoa!

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