Paw Patrol: Junk Island Renovations

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(scene opens to Junk Island where Moby, Aqua, and McSquidly are busy cleaning up a few areas of Junk Island)

Moby: Thanks again for assisting me with a few modifications!

Aqua: No sweat Moby! It's kinda nice spending time with you guys!

Moby: (chuckles) I feel the same

Sound: (splash)

Moby: Did you hear that splash?

Aqua: Yep!

Moby: I wonder what that was?

Aqua: (sniffs) If my nose is right, that was Coral!

Moby: (surprised) How can you tell?

Aqua: Just an idea! (raises her paw levitating Coral out of the water)

Coral: (surprised) Yipe!

Moby: Coral! What are you doing here?

Coral: Okay! (sighs) I was spying on you guys, I wasn't sure if you were up to anything that could be troubling!

Aqua: Nothing wrong with cleaning up the island and using debris to construct a few structures and piers!

Coral: Aqua, can you please set me down! Also I'm sorry, I guess you weren't doing any trouble today!

Aqua: (nods) (gently lowers Coral back into the water)

Moby: I can understand, we have our differences and don't always agree!

Coral: That's a fair choice of word, Moby!

Aqua: (sniffs) Hm?

Coral: Is something wrong, Aqua?

Aqua: I smell a humpback whale with a hint of husky!

Coral: (confused) Very odd combination?

(a humpback whale mouths opens around Coral)

Coral: (worried) Uh oh!

(the humpback whale mouth closes with Coral)

Coral: Help!

Moby: (gasps) Coral!

Aqua: Ooh! It's you!

Moby: You know that humpback whale that ate Coral?

Aqua: That was just Mirage having a little fun!

Humpback whale: (giggles)

Coral's voice: So I'm in Mirage's tummy?

Aqua: Yep!

Coral's voice: At least I know I won't get digested, in here!

Humpback whale: (Mirage's voice) Yep!

(an giant humpback whale emerged and swallowed Mirage)

Moby: (gasps) Bigger whale!

Aqua: Melody?

Humpback whale: (shakes head)

Aqua: (gasps) Mom?

Humpback whale: (nods) (sprays water from her blowhole sending a stuffed Mirage out of it)

Mirage: (lands beside Moby) Oof! (barfs up Coral upon landing)

Coral: I gotta admit you tummy certainly cushioned the fall!

Mirage: (nods)

(the humpback whale changes int Marina)

Marina: (chuckles) I sure got you good!

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