Paw Patrol: Moby's Getaway Spot

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(scene opens to Mason with Marina and Aqua who have asked him to go for a deep sea dive)

Marina: (chuckles) Aren't you missing something Mason?

Mason: (looks at himself) Oops! Forgot to activate a suit for a deep sea animal! (reaches into his boot and pulls out a dragonfish disc) Got it!

(flash of light then scene changes to Mason, Aqua, and Marina swimming into the abyssal zone)

Aqua: Boy, it sure is dark down here!

Marina: No worries sweetie, nothing can harm us siren pups! Plus we've got Mason who's using his dragonfish suit which helps light the way!

(a blinking light nearby)

Mason: What's that blinking light?

Marina: Let's check it out!

(scene changes to Moby and McSquidly stuck in the Moby Mobile in the abyssal zone)

Moby: (annoyed) I can't believe we're stuck here!

McSquidly: (worriedly looks outside)

Moby: Don't worry McSquidly, I traded Melody a bag of pup treats so the Moby Mobile is magically reinforced at least until we get back to the surface so we won't get crushed line an aluminium can! (sighs) But we're stuck down here for who knows how long, plus I don't know how much air is left for us!

McSquidly: (worriedly looks outside and notices a glowing light approaching them) (repeatedly taps Moby)

Moby: (confused) What is it, McSquidly?

McSquidly: (points outside toward the approaching light source)

Moby: (looks over) (gasps) (screams) Sea monster!

Moby and McSquidly: (hold each tightly while closes their eyes) (whimpering)

Marina's voice: Moby?

Moby: (opens eyes to find Marina looking through the window) (gasps) Marina, what are you doing down here?

Marina: All three of us are here for a deep sea swim!

Moby: Who?

Aqua: (swims over) Me!

Moby: So it's you, Marina, and someone else?

Mason's voice: Ahoy sailor!

Moby: (notices Mason) Mason! Thank goodness it's you and not a sea monster! (realizes) How are you breathing down here and at this extreme depth?

Mason: Dragonfish powers which come with bioluminescence, aquatic respiration, and deep sea survivability!

Moby: Good combo! (sighs) My Mobile Mobile lost power and we're stuck!

Mason: How did it not get crushed by the deep sea pressure?

Moby: Lucky for me I traded Melody some pup treats today in case something like this happened while I was trying to avoid the latest celebration!

Marina: Let's get you outta here dear!

(scene changes to two hours later on Junk Island where the magic protection has worn off the Moby Mobile returning it to normal while Mason has deactivated his dragonfish powers)

Moby: (sighs) At least that magic kept us safe while we were down that deep!

McSquidly: (nods)

Mason: So any reason you wanted to avoid another celebration in Puplantis?

Moby: All the mer-pups were asked to come, I know it's my home but constant celebrations do get tiresome after awhile!

Mason: (nods) Fair point!

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