Ultimate Rescue: Pups Fix a Broken Dam

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(scene opens to the Lookout during a big storm where the pups and Ryder are relieved to be inside where it's safe)

Skye: I'm glad we're inside where it's safe!

Zuma: Yeah!

Rubble: Yep!

Chase and Marshall: Yeah!

Rocky: Something tells me this storm might cause some damage?

Ryder: (concerned) You could be right Rocky!

Skye: I hope our friends are okay?

Ryder: I'm sure they'll be alright, (unsure) I hope?

(scene splits into three revealing Everest in the chalet with Jake, Coral underwater in Puplantis, and finally Al in his big truck heading back to the Big Truck HQ after finishing his last delivery for the day)

(scene enlarges the section with Al)

Al: Boy this storm sure is big! (concerned) I hope I can get back to the Big Truck HQ before it gets any worse?

Sound: (wind howling)

Al: (worried) Uh oh!

(wind blows harder causing Al's big truck to slide)

Al: (worried) Whoa!

(Al's truck is blown on its side and Al is unharmed but the crash damages his pup tag while damaging his truck)

Al: (surprised) Whoa! That could've been way worse (tries using his pup tag) Uh oh, my pup tag broke! (tries a different way to call for help but none work)

Al: (worried) Uh oh! I'm stuck and have no way of calling for help!

(a faint glow walking down the road)

Al: Huh? What's that glow? (unsure) Maybe it's someone who can help me (has an idea) (concerned) I hope my big truck horn still works? (presses it)

Sound: (big truck horn)

(the glow walks toward Al)

Al: I sure hope I didn't get a ghost to come this way?

(a fish creature walks closer to Al's big truck

Al: (startled screams) Fish monster!

Fish creature: (fish creature looks at itself) Maybe using the Paw Ultimatrix to become Ripjaws wasn't the best choice?

(flash of light)

Al: (surprised gasps) Mason!

Mason: Sorry about the change of face Al, (reveals the Paw Ultimatrix) I was just out for a walk in this storm!

Al: Thank goodness, can you help me out? This storm blew over my big truck and I think it's broken!

Mason: Well I don't know how to fix it, but I know a guy who can carry you to the Lookout!

Al: (surprised) You do?

Mason: (nods) (uses Paw Ultimatrix to become Way Big)

Al: (surprised) Whoa! You weren't kidding about the carrying part!

Way Big: Hold on! (bends down to gently pick up Al's big truck)

(Way Big carefully walks toward the Lookout carrying Al's big truck)

Al: (looks outside his big truck's window) Boy, I never thought I'd go up this high in a big truck!

(they walk off before scene changes to the Adventure Bay's dam where everything is normal before lightning strikes the dam)

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