Moto Pups: The Invisibility Bracelet

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(scene opens to Mason, Hydro (elemental brawler), Melody, Mirage, Blizzard, Frostbite, and Inferno working together to construct a very special bracelet in an area inhabited by living storms)

Mirage: (eagerly) So Mason, is it ready?

Mason: Almost! (picks up the scorching bracelet and uses his magic to finish it)

Melody: Why did you pick us to help out?

Mason: This is the new pup invisibility bracelet and it was made by elemental brawlers, genie pups, and ifrit pups so all our races contributed to this magical bracelet's creation!

Mirage: Mind if I try Mason?

Mason: (smiles and nods)

Hydro: We'd be honored if you were the first to try it out!

(the bracelet makes Mirage invisible once she puts it on)

Mirage: Wow! I'm completely invisible!

Mason: That's not all Mirage! Please touch someone else!

(Mirage puts her paw on her moms back causing her to become invisible)

Melody: (chuckles) Very impressive Mason!

Mason: Imagination is one of our strongest powers!

Others: Yeah!

(Mirage takes off the bracelet causing her mom and herself to be visible again)

Mirage: (begging) Mason, can I please show this to Gasket?

Mason: (chuckles) Let me have it mass produced first, then feel free to show Gasket!

Mirage: (smiles and wags her tail)

(scene changes to Adventure Bay where Hubcap, Gasket, and Dwayne are fleeing from the Moto Pups)

Hubcap: (to Gasket) (annoyed) You had to give Fungus a week off, didn't you!

Gasket: (scoffs) Hey! My son has the right to enjoy a nice vacation with his buddies!

Wild: (drives up to them) Okay, you three time to leave!

Hubcap: (annoyed) This isn't isn't over Moto Pups!

(the Ruff-Ruff Pack leaves Adventure Bay while Ryder and Chase pull up to Wild)

Chase: Not so tough to chase off since Fungus isn't with them!

Ryder: Where is he anyway?

Wild: I heard Gasket say Fungus was on vacation with his buddies!

Chase: Well at least we don't have to worry about his magical spores giving us trouble until he gets back!

Ryder: Yep! That at least gives us a little trouble!

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack's hideout where an annoyed Hubcap is packing around)

Hubcap: Those pesky meddling Moto Pups chase outta Adventure Bay just because we caused wheel trouble again! (crosses arms) It's so much easier when Fungus helps out with his sleeping spores!

Dwayne: Yeah!

Mirage's voice: Aww, nice to hear how you like Fungus!

Gasket: (surprised) Mirage, is that you?

Mirage's voice: Yep!

Dwayne: (confused) Where are you Mirage?

Mirage's voice: (giggles) I'm sitting beside Gasket!

Gasket: Huh? Where are you? (feels around until touching something furry) Ah ha! (vanishes into thin air)

Hubcap and Dwayne: (gasps) Gasket!

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