Mighty Pups: Meteors of Balance

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(scene opens to Mason, Mirage and Melody exploring the asteroid belt beyond Mars)

Mirage: So Mason, why'd we come here again?

Mason: Just exploring for a little fun!

Melody: (sniffs) Guys I smell something familiar!

(Mason and Mirage follow Melody as she leads them toward three glowing meteors)

All three: (shocked) Whoa!

Mason: That orange one reminds me of the Mighty Pups meteor!

Mirage and Melody: (nods) Yep!

Melody: The ones glowing purple and cyan also feel like they're connected!

Mason: (eyes glow as he scans the meteor) (chill goes down his spine upon looking at the purple one and eyes stop glowing)

Mirage: (concerned) Mason, what's wrong?

Mason: That purple one has very tiny amounts of evil energy mixed within it!

Melody: (concerned) Is that something we should be worried about?

Mason: For elemental brawlers nope, and luckily for all the genie pups plus Clover and Midnight it won't harm you guys either!

Melody and Mirage: (relieved) Phew!

Melody: (curiously) What about the cyan meteor?

Mason: It showed me that there was tiny amounts of good energy mixed with its own!

Mirage: So Mason is there anything we should worry about?

Mason: Nope! These meteor just bestow powers to folks, one just has more evil, one has more good, and the last one is basically neutral!

Melody: Anything else we should know?

Mason: The good and evil ones might mess with someone's mind if touched!

Mirage: How so?

Mason: Let's just say the purple one could turn a nice person bad until the powers wear off or until they are exposed to another meteor's energy!

Melody: I'd suggest we leave them alone!

Mason and Mirage: Yep!

Mason: (looks at his group) How about we head back home for a bath?

Mirage and Melody: (notices how dusty they are) Sounds good!

(all three teleport away while the meteor move get bumped an even bigger one sent the threesome toward Earth)

(several days later in Adventure Bay on Jake's mountain at night)

Everest: It's nice that all three of you could come over for a little fun!

Melody: We're always happy to visit Everest!

Mirage: Yeah buddy! (hugs Everest)

Mason: I also enjoy a chance to visit Everest!

Jake: Hey guys, it looks like three falling stars!

Mason: (looks up) Hm? Cyan, purple, and orange, very interesting?

Everest: (curiously) How come?

Mirage: Oh all three of us were in space a few days ago and encountered three meteors! Mason told us that one had good energy, another had evil, while the last one was like the meteor in the Lookout)

Everest: (surprised) Wait, you three were in space!?

Mason: Yeah, we teleported there and I had a special space suit on as we checked out the asteroid belt!

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