Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Flooded Adventure Bay

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(scene opens to Everest approaching the Lookout in her snowcat)

Everest: (excited) Hi pups!

Skye: (excited) It's so good seeing you bestie!

Everest: Yeah!

Marshall: (comes running) (excited) Everest!

Skye and Everest: Lookout Marshall!

Marshall: Uh oh!

(crashes into both pups which sends flying for a moment)

(Everest lands on Marshall who is on his back before Skye lands of Everest's back)

Marshall: Oof!

Marshall: (worried) You both okay?

Skye and Everest: We're good!

(pups get back on their feet while Ryder comes outside)

Ryder: Hehe! It looks like everyone's glad you came over for a sleepover on Everest!

Everest: It sounds like fun!

Ryder: Oh by the way I want you pups to sleep inside tonight since there's a big rainstorm coming!

All Pups: Okay Ryder!

(scene changes to all seven pups having fun until dinner when they hear thunder outside so they head indoors)

Marshall: Whoa! That thunder certainly was loud!

Everest: Yeah! I hope nothing bad happens.

Ryder: I agree!

Skye: I hope everything's alright tomorrow!

Other Pups: Us too!

(scene changes to night when the rain is pouring down by the truckload every hour)

(scene changes to daylight when Marshall walks outside and everyone hears a loud splash)

Zuma: What was that?

Marshall's voice: Guys when did the Lookout become an island?

Pups and Ryder: Huh? (comes to the door)

Everyone: (shocked) Whoa!

Zuma: Dudes! Adventure Bay is flooded!

(shark fin emerges nearby and goes toward Marshall)

Everest: (gasps) (shouts) Marshall there's a shark in the water!

Marshall: (alerted) (shouts) Shark! (swims to the Lookout door but the shark fin follows)

Everest: (shouts) Hurry Marshall!

Marshall: I'm trying (feels something with paws grab him)

Marshall: Ryder? Do sharks have paws?

Ryder: (confused) Paws?!

(Mirage emerges from the water revealing a fake shark fin on her back)

Mirage: Hi guys! Sorry I couldn't resist a shark prank!

Pups: (surprised) Mirage?!

Marshall: Phew! It's not a real shark!

Mirage: (helps Marshall back into the Lookout) There we go buddy!

Chase: Mirage? Why are you here?

Mirage: I noticed the whole town was flooded on my way over for a surprise visit!

Zuma: Oh no! Ryder, we need to help!

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: Hello? Oh mayor!

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