Paw Patrol: Werepuppies Unleashed

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(scene opens to outside Otis Goodway's cabin where the Paw Patrol including Everest are enjoying a camp out with Otis Goodway)

Everest: (happily) Thanks again for inviting me you guys!

Marshall: We're happy to have you with us, Everest!

Others: Yeah!

Everest: (giggles) Thanks guys!

Sound: (leaves rustling)

Chase: Guys, I can hear something coming this way!

Ryder: What is Chase?

(a bear like figure and dog emerge from the bushes)

Everyone: (screams) It's a bear!

Marshall: And it's with a wolf pup!

Female voice: Hey! Who are you calling a wolf pup?

Everest: (realizes) I know that voice!

(the two figures step forward revealing themselves to be Mirage and Mason who is wearing a black bear suit)

Everyone: (relieved) Phew!

Mason: Sorry about the scare guys, I was just using black bear powers to traverse the woods while keeping other animals away!

Mirage: I overheard about you guys going camping so I wanted to join!

Ryder: We're happy to let you both join us!

Mirage: (squeals) Thanks guys!

Marshall: Just please don't do your werepuppy joke again tonight, okay?

Mirage: (nods) I understand you guys!

Everest: (giggles) Yeah! But I will admit how you turned me and Marshall into werepuppies really caused a bit of confusion, but it was kinda fun!

Marshall: (giggles) I agree!

(scene moves to nearby revealing two pairs of eyes belonging to Hex and Gasket)

Gasket: They won't have any idea what we're up to!

Hex: But we leave Mirage alone, right?

Gasket: (nods) Of course, she's my dearest friend and your step sister/cousin! (looks at Hex) Will this hurt?

Hex: (assuredly) This fusion and transformation won't bother either of us!

Gasket: (nods)

Hex: (leaps toward Gasket and they magically merge before Gasket turns into a werepuppy with glowing blue eyes)

Gasket/Hex: Whoa! Now, I feel closer than ever before! (giggles)

(scene changes to the campsite where everyone is enjoying smores and pup smores)

Chase: This is so much fun!

Everest: It sure is!

Sound: (werepuppy howl)

Rocky: (concerned) Did that sound like a howl?

Marshall: I think it was a werepuppy howl!

Everest: But they're just legends except the times Mirage's family used their magic and a few of us became werepuppies!

Chase: I bet it was Mirage who howled!

(the group except Mason look at Mirage who is busy munching on pup smores)

Mirage: (confused) What? That wasn't me!

Chase: You're about the only one here who can do something like that!

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