Dominik Mysterio-Talk To Me

Start from the beginning


Y'all pulled up in front of the building, a red carpet laid across the concrete to the entryway. The building was huge, lights shining bright. You looked out the window, eyes wide at the view.

"Woah, I've never seen anything so beautiful like this." Dominik chuckled. "Well you must've not seen yourself in the mirror." You blushed, hiding your face slightly. He cooed at your shyness, getting out the car, and holding a hand out.

You took it, standing up tall as lights flashed fast. Paparazzi spoke loud and fast, calling you and your teams' names to look at them. "Just throw a smile that would piss the fans off." Dominik whispered down to you, a smile coming to your face.

He held your hand as you both walked to the door, the rest of the members behind you. As you walked to the door, a hand grasped your wrist, pulling you to their direction. A bright light flashed on your face, almost blinding you.

As your vision came back, you caught the eye of a man. A man dressed in a suit, beard neatly trimmed, hair slicked back. Although he looked nice, what he did was uncalled for. Before you could get a word out, Dominik dragged you inside, it getting more quiet except a collective amount of chatter.

People were everywhere looking so expensive and hot.
There were food tables everywhere, Damian going to get something to eat. Finn left, going to meet up with a few people he knew. Rhea threw you both a thumbs up before leaving. Now it was just you and Dominik standing together, hand in hand.

"So, what'cha wanna do?" You shrugged at his question. "I don't know, there's so much to do and see!" You looked at the place once more.

"Oh my god, is that Hulk Hogan?! Babe I'm sorry, but I gotta go see him. I was a huge fan of him when I was younger. I'll catch up with you later, okay?" You nodded your head as he placed a small kiss on your lips before parting ways.

Now it was just you standing there, trying to find somewhere to go. Well what you did know was that you're hungry, so you walked over to a table, grabbing a small plate and loading it up with food.

You turned around to go find somewhere to sit, but accidentally bumped into someone, your food splashing on your dress. "Oh shit!" You cried out, dropping the trap and trying to wipe your food off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." You looked up at the guy only for it to be the same paparazzi who grabbed you earlier. "Oh, it's you." You grumbled under your breath. "Let me clean you up." He grabbed a paper towel and began rubbing on your chest and stomach.

You let out an awkward chuckle, stepping back from his touch. "It's okay, I can clean myself." You grabbed a paper towel from the table and scrubbed your dress. "God, I don't think this is gonna come out!" You whined, aggressively scrubbing.

You let out a huff when it wasn't going away, walking to the bathroom to fix yourself. When you entered you saw Rhea walking out a stall, looking down at you. "What happened to your dress?" You rolled your eyes at the thought.

"This paparazzi guy spilled food all over me! Not only that, but he grabbed me earlier when I got out the car." Rhea raised her eyebrows in shock. "He what?"

You waved your hand in the air. "It's fine, but it was unexpected." You explained as you put water on a paper towel and rub your dress. "Just give me a couple of minutes and I'll be with Dom."

Rhea left, going to tell the others about the situation.

You walked out the bathroom, turning the corner to look for Dominik, but of course, the same guy almost ran into you. "Oh shoot!" He stopped just in time.

" Y/n, is it a coincidence we keep running into each other?" He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "Yeah, look it was nice talking to you, but I gotta go see Dom, so excuse me..."

You tried walking around him, but he was quick to step in the same direction. "Woah, why ya in a rush? I'm just trying to talk to you."

You huffed out an annoying sigh before pushing him to the side. "Get out the way, I won't tell you again!" The man put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, calm down, no need to get physical." You rolled your eyes, finally meeting up with Dominik.

He noticed your expression, excusing himself from the group of people he was talking to. "Hey baby, you okay? You look upset." You shook your head. "I'm fine, just a little tired." You lied.

Music began to play, a soft slow beat. A smile grew on your face as you saw Dominik hold his hand out. "Well in that case, may I have a dance before the night ends?" You stood up, grabbing his hand. "Yes you may sir." He dragged you to the dance floor, holding you in his arms as you both swayed side to side.

You felt so safe. Dominik might be a scared asshole on TV, but he's far from that when it comes to your relationship. After almost 5 minutes of dancing the song came to an end. Dominik let out a small breath.

"Dang I'm thirsty. Imma go get a drink and then we can dance again." You let him go to the food table, watching as he got a bottle of water. You stood there alone waiting from him until the feeling of a hand wrapped around your waist. "Dom I thought-" You turned around and were met with the paparazzi guy.

You instantly pulled back, looking at him with disgust. "Don't touch me." The guy laughed at your voice. "Oh come on, don't act like you didn't like the way my hands felt on you." He grabbed you, pulling you to his chest, hands gripping at your waist.

You squirmed in his hold, trying to pull back. "Stop moving!" You jumped at the feeling of a slap that landed on your butt.

"Aye, get your hands off her!" Your eyes widened as you heard Finn's voice.

You were yanked back into a strong chest, the familiar grip of hands on your side. "Yeah who do you think you are touching in her like that?" Damian's loud voice booming, drawing attention to y'all. Dominik gently pushed you aside to Rhea, Rhea comfortably holding you.

Dominik got in the guy's face. "If you ever touch her again, I swear on everything I'll beat your ass and make you lose your job." The guy seemed to not have a reaction staring dead in Dominik's eyes.

"I don't know why y'all are mad at me. It's not my fault she's the hottest thing here. You just need to learn how to handle her-" The man's sentence was cut off when Dominik punched him square across his jaw.

The man groaned, holding his jaw. "You wanna say that again, huh?" You broke from Rhea's hold, grabbing Dom's arm. "Babe stop! Please let's just go!" Dominik gave the man one last look on the ground before grabbing your hand and dragging you back to the car.


It was silent as y'all made your way back to the hotel. You bit your lip, feeling guilty that you were the cause of it all. The car stopped as everyone began to exit. You just sat there, still staring out the window before finding the courage to get up.

Dominik grabbed your hand, pulling you to him. "Let's go for a walk." His body was stiff as you both walked around a small park.

"I'm sorry about everything, I didn't think it would go that far, I swear I would've told you after-" Dominik cut you off from your scared rant. "Babe, baby, calm down, it's okay, it's not your fault." He held you as you took a deep breath.

He gently rubbed up and down your arms soothingly. "I get why you didn't say anything, but if he was making you feel uncomfortable, you should've told me. I know I'm an asshole outside the world, but if you need me I'll go back to the sweet boy, I don't care who's watching."

You smiled at his confession. "Just promise me you'll be more vocal when we're out, talk to me if something's wrong." He held his pinky finger out. You giggled as you locked pinkies. "I promise. I'll talk to you more often."

You both shared a kiss, you finally feeling relaxed that you weren't near that creepy paparazzi guy.

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