33 | This one is for us - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Closed the vanity glass door right up. No fucking way? I opened it back up but still all of it was still there. Then I took each item out quickly and placed it on the counter organizing it. I guess you can never take the organize PA nerd out of the woman. Well, little miss black nerd. Will you be blerding your sex toys into a color coordinated collection like the books? I put away the thought quickly, focus T! Noah's sandy locks tickling the back of my neck as he leans over me paying attention closely. His broad arms tighten around my waist.

"My beloved Neptune..." I honestly didn't know how to have this conversation. It was the birds and the bees on the boat all over again. Or maybe the sex dungeon bag part 2? The dungeon and the orgasm bees? "Beloved, did you have anything to tell me?"

I watched him in the mirror. My sweet sweet man tilted his head in confusion. "I bought the things you liked?" He said it as a matter of fact and a question rolled together. Kind, concise, caring,... newly kinky. Possibly, not realizing he's at level 1 kinky. My man's leveling up on me again. The Noah existence but damn it. I needed a few more words here.

"You bought sex toys?" I asked him straight forward. My too sweet of a man almost virgin nodded. Well, he's officially been debauched. I've ruined him. No, damn it I blame this on Eve and Jo-Lee's ass. I know for a fact that Carly only went along with those two troublemakers. That damn mommy bag got me in trouble again.

"Yes, you said you wanted to try anal sex. You wanted to try the nipple clamps." Noah's sweet angelic smile connects with mine in the mirror. You'd think he was talking about giving me a foot rub. He calmly goes through the list of things I wanted in the same order as on the boat without missing a blink. And the pure amount of bang me out in that PG sexy way he has about him. That manages to be more filthy than I know what to do with. The sexy has my mouth hanging open in shock. My brain just couldn't compute and when I went to cut him off it came out as a jumbled mess of a moan instead of words. He broke my mouth pussy! I had to close my eyes to get control of the moment there was too much orgasm on the table. And I'm always a thirsty girl at heart. I've always been ready to squirrel orgasm away for the cum winter. But that cum winter will never come again now that I have Forever Noah to look forward to. I smiled at the thought.

"Moginahj," pussy mouth still broken, I said on a second try. "OK," finally saying real words after the third try. We needed to talk this out, so I opened my eyes to the kink stash again. Closed it just as quickly as before. Fuck? "Where did you get all of this?"

"Jo-Lee's coupon code Team-" I cut him off before he finished. He'd been watching Jo-Lee's kinky food book club show. This would tickle Jo-Lee and Eve pink. I open my eyes again and got my shit together watching Noah in the mirror.

"OK, I see but since we talked about this on the boat, that's OK. These are mostly group activity items." Group activity items, how PC of you Tari. You're making dick down sound real politically correct. Breathe through this, you can do this conversation. "And of course you can get anything from the ...." Didn't have a nice way to put it. "Jo-Lee's shop that you want for yourself. But let's have a conversation about the group activities items together so we can talk about it." Why does this man make me so damn adventurous and wonderfully lascivious about it? Even though neither of us know what the fuck we are doing. Because, although I'd never really explored this side of myself before I wanted to with Noah. Same as the day Jo-Lee handed me the edible lube for my purse the first time. The only thing that popped into my mind was Noah. Shit, figure out how to have this convo without a panic attack or stop giggling embarrassment. The pep talk in my head ended with a break clap like football.

"We need to talk next time for more things?" He asked, nodding along with my words. "But not everything is here. We are missing," he went into the missing yes list items like clockwork and my mouth pussy wept happily. Broken in just the nicest way again. I didn't notice the missing stuff. Thinking back, the sheer amount of filth they managed to fit into one mom bag was a little nuts. You'd think I was being kidnapped for months of debauchery instead of a week on a boat back then.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now