|51| Me, my fiance and I

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It had been five months since I got engaged and believe me I bragged about it for the first two months until my entire family was tired of me, I couldn't help it. We haven't actually started properly planning, I mean my mom's been pressuring me to but I wanna take my time. Plus Amariah only turned five months recently and now I feel like I'm finally starting to get some freedom because she's not a newborn anymore.

"I'm all squared up, let's fight"

"Don't embarrass yourself"

"I ain't going to", I hold my fists up and he stays lazed up on the bed

"Dakota, it's ten in the morning"

I punch his chest lightly and he continues using his phone, not entertaining my play fighting mood.

"You're such a pussy"

He blocks my punch, "I eat pussy. Get it right"

I climb onto him before wrapping my arms around his neck, attempting to strangle him. "Treyton you're a weak ass bitch"

"Say that again"

"You're a weak ass bitch-

"Is this what you call strangling?"

"Yes", I pull tighter and he finally puts his phone down before flipping me over onto my back

"Never mind I don't wanna play anymore", I start to crawl away but he drags my leg across the bed

"Nah cause you were so confident before, where's all that confidence now?"

I kick him in the chest but he doesn't react, it's like he's the fricking hulk. "Your kicks don't feel like anything" He says amused

I widen my eyes as he holds me up against him, "Woah"

T rests his chin on my shoulder as I try to pull his arm away from my neck, he's suffocating me but not in a way that'll actually harm me. "Tap out"


"I can stay like this all day"

I scrunch my face

"Tap out", He murmurs against me once more



Trust me I held on for as long as I could

"Ok fine", I eventually give in and he releases me

"Owww, you hurt me" I frown as I lie back down

He snorts, "Don't do that"

"I'm not kidding, you did"


"Look", I lift up my finger and he holds it to get a closer look

As he does so I use that as my opportunity to climb on top of him and roll us over, we actually ended up falling on the floor. "I win" I smile

"You're such a kid", He says amused

"Don't be a sore loser", I squash his cheeks before lowering my head down to kiss him and he doesn't let me pull away

"I saw that coming FYI"

"No you didn't"

"It's always your last minute tac tic when you've lost"

"All i'm hearing is sore loser"

"Whatever you say Dakota"

"Exactly, whatever I say", I murmur in between kisses

Our make out session was interrupted by the incessant ringing coming from Treyton's phone, he sits up slightly. "Noooo don't answer"

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