|05| T is for Treyton

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Zuri coughs heavily into the couch pillow as I stand there with my arms folded, "Are you done?"

"How about instead of standing there you make me tea or some shit" She murmurs

I smile with amusement, "I was fifteen too once. And little tip, next time you wanna pretend to be sick, don't google everything you know about viruses. I recited that information box when I was your age"

She groans and I hit her on the head lightly with a pillow, "You'll do just fine on your math test"

I know that's the real reason she tried to fake her sickness, "I hate you"

"Love you too!" I call out as she heads up the stairs

I smile to myself as I fix up the couch, man I miss being fifteen. Jasmine and I would always pretend to be sick and her dad used to fall for it and let us stay home, he'd then order us mcdonald's for lunch. But now that I think about it I think deep down he knew we weren't sick, he's a cool dad.

There was no trace of drunkness or even a stench of alcohol when my dad came down the stairs (he looked ok for once) so I was a little confused and annoyed at his upcoming actions, "What have I told you about that damn attitude"


He slaps me across the face and I scoff with shock as I hold my cheek, "What the fuck?!"

"I get a call from the principal telling me that you gave your teacher a hard time. Why is it so hard for your black ass to stay out of trouble-

"Ok first of all she started it, not me" I say annoyed

Miss Bennett the snake, unbelievable

"I don't give a rats ass about who started it. You're black and she's not, therefore you have the disadvantage. We don't need you to be giving those vanilla shakes another reason to hate us-

"You do that already"

I thought I muttered that sentence but clearly I didn't, it explains why Marty then proceeded to punch me in the nose.

That one hurt like a bitch

"You're lucky I haven't had a drink this morning" He said before walking away

I close my eyes as I wince and hold my nose in pain, "Kill me now" I whisper to myself

Blood leaks out of my stinging nostrils and straight onto my fingers, it hurts too bad to even sniff or blow my nose so I won't even try. My phone then starts ringing so I wipe my fingers before answering. "I'm not coming in today"

"What the fuck, why" Jasmine scoffs

I scrunch my nose as I cut myself some tissue, "Period" I lie

"Don't try that shit, you just had it" 

"You're right, I just don't have the energy to come in" I answer truthfully

"Fine then, come over to mine later and if you don't then i'll turn up at yours"

"Cool, in a bit"

She ends the call and I toss my phone aside before setting my eyes on the fridge, now usually I wouldn't even think about touching the bud light but today I think I need a bottle.

And probably one thousand other substances

If you look close enough you can see that a purple bruise is starting to form on the side of my nose, I literally just recovered from my back pains and now the universe wants to grace me with more injuries.

Or should I say Marty

Nosy bartender frowns as I open the door to the bar, "It's not even 10am"

I ignore him as I make my way upfront

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